The leader Republicans will nominate for president this week is a man of many paradoxes, a figure well known yet not entirely understood, someone who has been examined for two full presidential campaigns but whose personal beliefs remain the subject of intense debate.
共和党本周即将提名的总统候选人罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)是一个身上存在许多相互矛盾特点的人,他的名字家喻户晓,但人们并没有完全了解他,他已经在两次总统竞选中接受公众的审视,但他的一些个人观点仍然是人们激烈争论的话题。
As a consequence, one of the great questions of this stormy convention week in Tampa is whether the mysteries of Mitt Romney will, at least to some extent, be resolved for voters in the next three days.
One of the things a national convention does is allow a candidate to either introduce or reintroduce himself to the nation, and particularly to voters who aren't political junkies.
'I think they're still learning about him,' says Eric Fehrnstrom, a long-standing Romney adviser. 'The convention serves as a platform for satisfying a lot of people's curiosity about Mitt Romney.'
罗姆尼的长期顾问费恩斯托洛姆(Eric Fehrnstrom)说,我认为人们对罗姆尼的了解仍在进行之中。他说这次大会可以成为满足许多人对罗姆尼好奇心的一个平台。
This opportunity is particularly important for Mr. Romney, who didn't spend a lot of time explaining his life after winning the Republican nomination in the spring, as some candidates have. His campaign decided instead to take on the task this week.
And while some politicians are easy to understand, he isn't one of them. The paradoxes only begin with the fact that he started his political life as a social-policy moderate in Massachusetts, but now champions a conservative line on abortion, gun control and gay marriage. He seems distant or even aloof to many who don't know him, yet inspires intense affection and deep loyalty among those in the circle immediately around him.
In an era of profound ideological divides, he doesn't strike either friend or foe as particularly ideological. Sometimes he has steered away from talking about his record as governor of Massachusetts, yet seems to have embraced it─including his championing of a controversial health-care overhaul─in recent days.
He is cool and unflappable in his public persona, yet is known as a practical joker, and someone prone to the occasional angry outburst, in private. He is one of the wealthiest people ever nominated to be president, yet is famously cheap in his personal tastes.
Even Democrats don't seem entirely sure what to make of him. Is he best attacked─as opponents as diverse as Ted Kennedy in the 1990s and his Republican opponents this year decided─as a 'weather vane' who moves whichever way the wind blows? Or, as the Obama camp has taken to more recently, as a captive of the extreme right wing of his party who can be counted on to adhere to its positions?
即使是民主党人似乎也不能完全确定该如何攻击他。是像特德·肯尼迪(Ted Kennedy)在上世纪90年代以及他在共和党内的竞争对手在今年那样,把他描绘成见风使舵的 头草?还是像奥巴马(Barack Obama)的竞选团队近日所做得那样,骂他是共和党极右翼势力的俘虏,注定会倒向极右翼立场?
Intriguingly, his cool and slightly enigmatic persona is something he has in common with the man he is trying to drive out of the White House, Barack Obama.
有趣的是,罗姆尼所展现出的冷静和稍带神秘的外在形象是他和奥巴马(Barack Obama)的共同点。但奥巴马恰恰是罗姆尼想在白宫取而代之的人。
Their backgrounds are wildly different in many ways─one the scion of a wealthy and prominent family that provided a traditional upper-class upbringing, the other the son of a single mother whose early life was unconventional by almost any standard. Yet they are similarly disinclined to engage in the backslapping common in their chosen profession, and can be almost clinical in analyzing problems before them.
Mr. Romney is, for obvious reasons, the less well-known of the two despite the long road he has traveled to this point. How he goes about resolving some of the mysteries and uncertainties will be crucial to the outcome of an election just 70 days away.
That's because the race is close, and much of the electorate already is locked in on either the Obama or Romney side. The universe of undecided voters is small.
A look inside polling data suggests that many of those who are undecided, or at least still persuadable, should be available to Mr. Romney. They don't tend to give Mr. Obama high marks for his job performance, they aren't inclined to think the country is on the right track and they are more conservative than liberal.
Yet the problem for Mr. Romney is that they don't have a particularly favorable image of him. They tend to hold more negative views of him than they do of Mr. Obama, and many of them are younger voters─the kind who have had a particularly hard time warming to Mr. Romney. A significant portion appear to think that he is out of step with them.
'They (voters) don't know much about Mitt Romney and they have been told a bunch of terrible things about him,' says Haley Barbour, a former Mississippi governor and Republican national chairman.
密西西比州前州长、共和党全国委员会主席巴伯(Haley Barbour)说,选民们不是非常了解罗姆尼,他们听说了关于他的一堆负面消息。
Mr. Romney will arrive in Tampa with the support of conservatives well in hand, and his choice of Paul Ryan as his running mate has inspired a passion among them that had been in short supply.
罗姆尼将带着保守派的坚定支持抵达坦帕,罗姆尼选择莱恩(Paul Ryan)作为竞选搭档点燃了保守派人士的热情。在此之前,来自支持者的热情是罗姆尼最为缺乏的东西。
His challenge lies among those less convinced, about either him or the president. How Mr. Romney fills in the blanks for them─how he resolves the Romney mysteries─this week and in the debates to come will determine the outcome.
The leader Republicans will nominate for president this week is a man of many paradoxes, a figure well known yet not entirely understood, someone who has been examined for two full presidential campaigns but whose personal beliefs remain the subject of intense debate.
共和党本周即将提名的总统候选人罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)是一个身上存在许多相互矛盾特点的人,他的名字家喻户晓,但人们并没有完全了解他,他已经在两次总统竞选中接受公众的审视,但他的一些个人观点仍然是人们激烈争论的话题。
As a consequence, one of the great questions of this stormy convention week in Tampa is whether the mysteries of Mitt Romney will, at least to some extent, be resolved for voters in the next three days.
One of the things a national convention does is allow a candidate to either introduce or reintroduce himself to the nation, and particularly to voters who aren't political junkies.
'I think they're still learning about him,' says Eric Fehrnstrom, a long-standing Romney adviser. 'The convention serves as a platform for satisfying a lot of people's curiosity about Mitt Romney.'
罗姆尼的长期顾问费恩斯托洛姆(Eric Fehrnstrom)说,我认为人们对罗姆尼的了解仍在进行之中。他说这次大会可以成为满足许多人对罗姆尼好奇心的一个平台。
This opportunity is particularly important for Mr. Romney, who didn't spend a lot of time explaining his life after winning the Republican nomination in the spring, as some candidates have. His campaign decided instead to take on the task this week.
And while some politicians are easy to understand, he isn't one of them. The paradoxes only begin with the fact that he started his political life as a social-policy moderate in Massachusetts, but now champions a conservative line on abortion, gun control and gay marriage. He seems distant or even aloof to many who don't know him, yet inspires intense affection and deep loyalty among those in the circle immediately around him.
In an era of profound ideological divides, he doesn't strike either friend or foe as particularly ideological. Sometimes he has steered away from talking about his record as governor of Massachusetts, yet seems to have embraced it─including his championing of a controversial health-care overhaul─in recent days.
He is cool and unflappable in his public persona, yet is known as a practical joker, and someone prone to the occasional angry outburst, in private. He is one of the wealthiest people ever nominated to be president, yet is famously cheap in his personal tastes.
Even Democrats don't seem entirely sure what to make of him. Is he best attacked─as opponents as diverse as Ted Kennedy in the 1990s and his Republican opponents this year decided─as a 'weather vane' who moves whichever way the wind blows? Or, as the Obama camp has taken to more recently, as a captive of the extreme right wing of his party who can be counted on to adhere to its positions?
即使是民主党人似乎也不能完全确定该如何攻击他。是像特德·肯尼迪(Ted Kennedy)在上世纪90年代以及他在共和党内的竞争对手在今年那样,把他描绘成见风使舵的 头草?还是像奥巴马(Barack Obama)的竞选团队近日所做得那样,骂他是共和党极右翼势力的俘虏,注定会倒向极右翼立场?
Intriguingly, his cool and slightly enigmatic persona is something he has in common with the man he is trying to drive out of the White House, Barack Obama.
有趣的是,罗姆尼所展现出的冷静和稍带神秘的外在形象是他和奥巴马(Barack Obama)的共同点。但奥巴马恰恰是罗姆尼想在白宫取而代之的人。
Their backgrounds are wildly different in many ways─one the scion of a wealthy and prominent family that provided a traditional upper-class upbringing, the other the son of a single mother whose early life was unconventional by almost any standard. Yet they are similarly disinclined to engage in the backslapping common in their chosen profession, and can be almost clinical in analyzing problems before them.
Mr. Romney is, for obvious reasons, the less well-known of the two despite the long road he has traveled to this point. How he goes about resolving some of the mysteries and uncertainties will be crucial to the outcome of an election just 70 days away.
That's because the race is close, and much of the electorate already is locked in on either the Obama or Romney side. The universe of undecided voters is small.
A look inside polling data suggests that many of those who are undecided, or at least still persuadable, should be available to Mr. Romney. They don't tend to give Mr. Obama high marks for his job performance, they aren't inclined to think the country is on the right track and they are more conservative than liberal.
Yet the problem for Mr. Romney is that they don't have a particularly favorable image of him. They tend to hold more negative views of him than they do of Mr. Obama, and many of them are younger voters─the kind who have had a particularly hard time warming to Mr. Romney. A significant portion appear to think that he is out of step with them.
'They (voters) don't know much about Mitt Romney and they have been told a bunch of terrible things about him,' says Haley Barbour, a former Mississippi governor and Republican national chairman.
密西西比州前州长、共和党全国委员会主席巴伯(Haley Barbour)说,选民们不是非常了解罗姆尼,他们听说了关于他的一堆负面消息。
Mr. Romney will arrive in Tampa with the support of conservatives well in hand, and his choice of Paul Ryan as his running mate has inspired a passion among them that had been in short supply.
罗姆尼将带着保守派的坚定支持抵达坦帕,罗姆尼选择莱恩(Paul Ryan)作为竞选搭档点燃了保守派人士的热情。在此之前,来自支持者的热情是罗姆尼最为缺乏的东西。
His challenge lies among those less convinced, about either him or the president. How Mr. Romney fills in the blanks for them─how he resolves the Romney mysteries─this week and in the debates to come will determine the outcome.