In the first quarter of this year, as global capital markets soared, Morgan Stanleyreceived a big boost from bond sales and trading, which propelled earnings past expectations and inspired optimism that the bank’s turnround was progressing.
今年第一季度,随着全球资本市场上涨,摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的业绩通过债券销售和交易获得大幅提升,盈利情况超过预期。这激发了投资者的乐观情绪,他们认为该行情况正在好转。
Sadly, the market rally, and the good feelings that came with it, evaporated in the second quarter. The US bank’s sales and trading revenues from fixed income and commodities were just $770m (excluding benefits from changes in the value of Morgan Stanley’s own debt). That is down from $2.6bn in the first quarter.
Of course, some of that 70 per cent decline can be pinned on a market downturn driven by client anxiety, in particular over Europe’s debt crisis. But not all of it. Morgan Stanley underperformed peers, too. The comparable fixed-income business across at Goldman Sachs, for example, fell just 37 per cent.
当然,出现这种状况的部分原因在于客户们的紧张情绪(尤其是对欧债危机的担心)引起市场状况恶化。但这不是全部原因。摩根士丹利的业绩也落后于同行。比如说,高盛(Goldman Sachs)的同类固定收益业务只下跌了37%。
Morgan Stanley tried to point the finger at Moody’s, the rating agency, whose impending downgrade on the bank (from A2 to Baa1) cost the bank $225m – and supposedly kept bankers busy reassuring clients and counterparties, rather than drumming up new business.
The broker’s turnround strategy includes refocusing the fixed-income business on flow trading rather than structured products, which will require more capital under the new regulations. Then there is the tie-up of its wealth management business with Smith Barney, the retail brokerage. This should benefit from scale and will be a nice earner if markets recover.
这家经纪商为扭转经营状况而制定的战略之一是,将固定收益业务的重心由结构性产品重新转向“流交易(flow trading)。按照新的监管规则,这种做法需要更多资本。此外,该行将其财富管理业务与零售经纪商美邦(Smith Barney)进行了整合。整合将产生规模效应,在市场复苏时将体现出良好的盈利能力。
It does not need much capital, either. That integration is now all but done.
It was a lousy quarter. But with the stock down 36 per cent over the past year (including a 5 per cent drop yesterday), Morgan Stanley needs to prove it can be more than a victim of circumstance.
In the first quarter of this year, as global capital markets soared, Morgan Stanleyreceived a big boost from bond sales and trading, which propelled earnings past expectations and inspired optimism that the bank’s turnround was progressing.
今年第一季度,随着全球资本市场上涨,摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的业绩通过债券销售和交易获得大幅提升,盈利情况超过预期。这激发了投资者的乐观情绪,他们认为该行情况正在好转。
Sadly, the market rally, and the good feelings that came with it, evaporated in the second quarter. The US bank’s sales and trading revenues from fixed income and commodities were just $770m (excluding benefits from changes in the value of Morgan Stanley’s own debt). That is down from $2.6bn in the first quarter.
Of course, some of that 70 per cent decline can be pinned on a market downturn driven by client anxiety, in particular over Europe’s debt crisis. But not all of it. Morgan Stanley underperformed peers, too. The comparable fixed-income business across at Goldman Sachs, for example, fell just 37 per cent.
当然,出现这种状况的部分原因在于客户们的紧张情绪(尤其是对欧债危机的担心)引起市场状况恶化。但这不是全部原因。摩根士丹利的业绩也落后于同行。比如说,高盛(Goldman Sachs)的同类固定收益业务只下跌了37%。
Morgan Stanley tried to point the finger at Moody’s, the rating agency, whose impending downgrade on the bank (from A2 to Baa1) cost the bank $225m – and supposedly kept bankers busy reassuring clients and counterparties, rather than drumming up new business.
The broker’s turnround strategy includes refocusing the fixed-income business on flow trading rather than structured products, which will require more capital under the new regulations. Then there is the tie-up of its wealth management business with Smith Barney, the retail brokerage. This should benefit from scale and will be a nice earner if markets recover.
这家经纪商为扭转经营状况而制定的战略之一是,将固定收益业务的重心由结构性产品重新转向“流交易(flow trading)。按照新的监管规则,这种做法需要更多资本。此外,该行将其财富管理业务与零售经纪商美邦(Smith Barney)进行了整合。整合将产生规模效应,在市场复苏时将体现出良好的盈利能力。
It does not need much capital, either. That integration is now all but done.
It was a lousy quarter. But with the stock down 36 per cent over the past year (including a 5 per cent drop yesterday), Morgan Stanley needs to prove it can be more than a victim of circumstance.