英语多选题?【 #英语听力# 导语】一般多选题分为5选2和7选3两种,极偶尔会有7选2这样的情况,2个或3个答案相互独立,且答案顺序不影响评分,即这2个或者3个答案并非算做同1题,不过,也极偶尔会出现2个或者3个选项只算1题的情况。那么,英语多选题?一起来了解一下吧。
二、多选题(共 2 道试题,共 4 分。)V
1.He entered the room ___ABC___ the meeting was going on. A. when B. while C. as D. /
2.This is the first thing __ A B____ we should do. A. that B. / C. which D. what
1.The thing that prisoners (possess) most is freedom. A. 错误 B. 正确 B
2.The families decided it would be too (practical) to eat in an expensive restaurant. A. 错误 B. 正确 B
3.After being put in the sun and watered regularly, the once-sickly plant soon (thrived). A. 错误灶吵 B. 正确A
4.Most department stores have a few computer games for sale, but you have to go to a computer store for a really (vast) selection of games. A. 错误 B. 正确隐肢侍A
5.Some parents worry that “Barbie dolls,” with their impossibly long legs and tiny waists, can (influence) little girls, making them feel bad about their own bodies. A. 错误饥滑 B. 正确 A
6.Because I missed the first fifteen minutes of the movie, I didn’t really (comprehend) the rest of the story. A. 错误 B. 正确A
选择题分为单选题(single answer),多禅旦选题(multiple answer)。唯袭握
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【 #英语听力#导语】一般多选题分为5选2和7选3两种,极偶尔会有7选2这样的情况,2个或3个答案相互独立,且答案顺序不影响评分,即这2个或者3个答案并非算做同1题,不过,也极偶尔会出现2个或者3个选项只算1题的情况。在雅思听力评分中,3题的正确率就可以有0.5分的影响了,所以多选题也是我们每题必争的。下面对雅思听力多选题的解题难点和对策做详细的分析。
比如,剑桥4 Test2 Section3的第25, 26两题:
What TWO disadvantages of the questionnaire form of data collection do the students discuss?
A. the data is sometimes invalid
B. Too few people may respond
C. It is less likely to reveal the unexpected
D. In can only be used with literate populations
E. There is a delay between the distribution and return of questionnaire
ROSA: No, I’m sure it talked drawbacks as well, didn’t it? Something about the response rate and the problems you get if it’s too low. (B)
MICK: Yeah, but we only need data from five subjects anyway.
ROSA: I suppose so. Another drawback I remember it mentioned was that questionnaire data tends not to reveal anything unexpected (C), because it is……
我们不难发现,问题当中的disadvantage这个词,换成了drawback, 还有选项B中的few替换成了too low。
以上就是英语多选题的全部内容,考研英语选择题一共60分,鉴于英语一英语二有一点差别,接下来我讲给你详细讲解。2021考研英语题型及分值分布 英语一 1、完型填空(10分)2、阅读理解(40分) 较难,3、选择搭配(10分)英语二 1、完型填空(10分)2、内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。