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President Barack Obama called Wall Street executives 'fat cats,'' criticized their bonuses and tried to raise their taxes. The financial-services industry, in turn, has directed a stream of complaints toward the administration, fueling perceptions of a rift between the president and a key 2010 donor group.

美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)说华尔街高管“有钱有势(fat cats),对他们获得的高额奖金予以指责,并试图提高他们的税负,而这个金融服务行业也对奥巴马政府怨声载道,这进一步增强了外界对于奥巴马和这个他2010年竞选总统时曾给予其大量捐资的群体之间出现裂痕的看法。

But, defying expectations, the securities and investment industry has remained an important part of the Obama fundraising effort. Mr. Obama and the Democratic National Committee raised more than $14 million from the securities and investment industry through the end of April, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. Mr. Obama's campaign alone raised $361,000 from the industry in May.

不过,有悖于预期的是,美国证券投资业仍是奥巴马所筹竞选资金的一个重要来源。据美国无党派机构响应性政治中心(Center for Responsive Politics)统计,奥巴马与美国民主党全国委员会(Democratic National Committee,简称DNC)截至今年4月底从证券投资业筹集了逾1,400万美元资金。单奥巴马的竞选团队今年5月就从该行业筹集了36.1万美元。

It's true that those totals are well below the $28.2 million that Mr. Obama, together with the DNC, raised from the industry throughout the 2010 campaign. And Mr. Obama has fewer securities and investment fundraisers than he did four years ago, though he still has time to bring more people into the fold.


In 2010, Mr. Obama said Wall Street helped cause the economic downturn. A year later he signed the Dodd-Frank bill, which subjects financial firms to tougher regulation. He also has tried unsuccessfully to do away with a tax break that enables private-equity and hedge-fund executives to pay a lower tax rate on some income.

奥巴马2010年曾说,华尔街是造成美国经济低迷的因素之一。一年后,他签署了让金融机构接受更严格监管的《多德-弗兰克法案》(Dodd-Frank bill)。此外,奥巴马还曾试图废除一项减税政策,但未获成功。根据该政策,私募股权业和对冲基金高管的部分收入可适用较低的所得税税率。

But rather than abandoning Mr. Obama, the securities and investment sector still holds the third spot among the top 10 interest groups in the most recent rankings of individual donations to the Obama campaign and the DNC, according to the center. In the 2010 campaign, the financial-services sector ranked fourth among all interest groups giving to Mr. Obama and the DNC.


Republican challenger Mitt Romney, who has criticized Mr. Obama's efforts to regulate the financial sector, seems likely to pull in more money from Wall Street as the campaign plays out. Mr. Romney collected nearly $9.5 million as of the end of May, according to the center. No other industry has donated more to the Romney campaign.

共和党挑战者罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)对奥巴马监管金融业的努力一直持批评态度,随着竞选活动的展开,罗姆尼看似会从华尔街筹措更多资金。据响应性政治中心统计,截至5月底,罗姆尼从华尔街筹集到了近950万美元。其它行业给罗姆尼竞选团队的捐款无一超过华尔街。

President Barack Obama called Wall Street executives 'fat cats,'' criticized their bonuses and tried to raise their taxes. The financial-services industry, in turn, has directed a stream of complaints toward the administration, fueling perceptions of a rift between the president and a key 2010 donor group.

美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)说华尔街高管“有钱有势(fat cats),对他们获得的高额奖金予以指责,并试图提高他们的税负,而这个金融服务行业也对奥巴马政府怨声载道,这进一步增强了外界对于奥巴马和这个他2010年竞选总统时曾给予其大量捐资的群体之间出现裂痕的看法。

But, defying expectations, the securities and investment industry has remained an important part of the Obama fundraising effort. Mr. Obama and the Democratic National Committee raised more than $14 million from the securities and investment industry through the end of April, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. Mr. Obama's campaign alone raised $361,000 from the industry in May.

不过,有悖于预期的是,美国证券投资业仍是奥巴马所筹竞选资金的一个重要来源。据美国无党派机构响应性政治中心(Center for Responsive Politics)统计,奥巴马与美国民主党全国委员会(Democratic National Committee,简称DNC)截至今年4月底从证券投资业筹集了逾1,400万美元资金。单奥巴马的竞选团队今年5月就从该行业筹集了36.1万美元。

It's true that those totals are well below the $28.2 million that Mr. Obama, together with the DNC, raised from the industry throughout the 2010 campaign. And Mr. Obama has fewer securities and investment fundraisers than he did four years ago, though he still has time to bring more people into the fold.


In 2010, Mr. Obama said Wall Street helped cause the economic downturn. A year later he signed the Dodd-Frank bill, which subjects financial firms to tougher regulation. He also has tried unsuccessfully to do away with a tax break that enables private-equity and hedge-fund executives to pay a lower tax rate on some income.

奥巴马2010年曾说,华尔街是造成美国经济低迷的因素之一。一年后,他签署了让金融机构接受更严格监管的《多德-弗兰克法案》(Dodd-Frank bill)。此外,奥巴马还曾试图废除一项减税政策,但未获成功。根据该政策,私募股权业和对冲基金高管的部分收入可适用较低的所得税税率。

But rather than abandoning Mr. Obama, the securities and investment sector still holds the third spot among the top 10 interest groups in the most recent rankings of individual donations to the Obama campaign and the DNC, according to the center. In the 2010 campaign, the financial-services sector ranked fourth among all interest groups giving to Mr. Obama and the DNC.


Republican challenger Mitt Romney, who has criticized Mr. Obama's efforts to regulate the financial sector, seems likely to pull in more money from Wall Street as the campaign plays out. Mr. Romney collected nearly $9.5 million as of the end of May, according to the center. No other industry has donated more to the Romney campaign.

共和党挑战者罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)对奥巴马监管金融业的努力一直持批评态度,随着竞选活动的展开,罗姆尼看似会从华尔街筹措更多资金。据响应性政治中心统计,截至5月底,罗姆尼从华尔街筹集到了近950万美元。其它行业给罗姆尼竞选团队的捐款无一超过华尔街。



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