Warren Buffett said he was -“salivating at the thought of spending some of Berkshire Hathaway’s $40bn of cash on a big acquisition as he revealed that two $20bn deals had fallen through this year over price.
沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)表示,伯克希尔-哈撒韦(Berkshire Hathaway)拥有400亿美元的现金储备,只要一想到可用其中的部分资金进行大型收购,他就感到“垂涎三尺。他还透露称,今年以来共有两个金额达200亿美元的收购交易因为价格因素而告吹。
The billionaire investor told CNBC he was unwilling to compete with other bidders in his pursuit of companies to add to the candy-to-cargo-train conglomerate he controls.
Mr Buffett rarely sells a company absorbed by Berkshire, which has a $217bn market value, and prefers to negotiate directly rather than participate in an auction that might drive up a company’s price.
His last big deal was the takeover of chemicals group Lubrizol for $9.7bn, agreed in early 2011, a transaction that also saw senior lieutenant David Sokol depart under a cloud due to transactions in Lubrizol stock.
他最近的一次大型交易是2011年初达成的以97亿美元的价格对化学品集团路博润(Lubrizol)的收购。该交易还导致巴菲特的主要副手大卫·索科尔(David Sokol)引咎辞职,原因是他在伯克希尔收购路博润之前买入了路博润的股票。
There are 75 companies in the S and P 500 with market values of $15bn to $20bn, including groups such as food manufacturer Heinz, Johnson Controlsand energy supplier Con Edison.
在标普500指数的成分股公司中,有75家的市值在150亿美元至200亿美元之间,这其中包括食品生产商亨氏(Heinz)、江森自控(Johnson Controls)以及能源供应商爱迪生电力公司(Con Edison)。
The prospect of changes to US tax laws in the new year, which may see the long-term capital gains rate rise from 15 per cent, could also prompt owners of large privately held businesses to consider a sale.
In May, Mr Buffett told shareholders gathered in an Omaha stadium for Berkshire’s annual meeting that if he failed to find a $20bn deal this year, he would consider a $30bn acquisition next year. Since that meeting, the company’s stock is up 16 per cent to $131,200 per share.
Mr Buffett said yesterday he had bought about 15 small businesses this year to “bolt on, including 63 Media General newspapers for $142m .
巴菲特昨日表示,今年他已收购了约15家小型企业以“扩充实力,其中包括以1.42亿美元的价格收购Media General旗下的63家报纸。
Mr Buffett also said he remained bullish on the US economy, which he expected to continue “inching ahead as the housing market recovered, even as global growth slows. Berkshire’s businesses have begun to see a pick-up in demand and he said he expected them to hire about 8,000 people this year.
Warren Buffett said he was -“salivating at the thought of spending some of Berkshire Hathaway’s $40bn of cash on a big acquisition as he revealed that two $20bn deals had fallen through this year over price.
沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)表示,伯克希尔-哈撒韦(Berkshire Hathaway)拥有400亿美元的现金储备,只要一想到可用其中的部分资金进行大型收购,他就感到“垂涎三尺。他还透露称,今年以来共有两个金额达200亿美元的收购交易因为价格因素而告吹。
The billionaire investor told CNBC he was unwilling to compete with other bidders in his pursuit of companies to add to the candy-to-cargo-train conglomerate he controls.
Mr Buffett rarely sells a company absorbed by Berkshire, which has a $217bn market value, and prefers to negotiate directly rather than participate in an auction that might drive up a company’s price.
His last big deal was the takeover of chemicals group Lubrizol for $9.7bn, agreed in early 2011, a transaction that also saw senior lieutenant David Sokol depart under a cloud due to transactions in Lubrizol stock.
他最近的一次大型交易是2011年初达成的以97亿美元的价格对化学品集团路博润(Lubrizol)的收购。该交易还导致巴菲特的主要副手大卫·索科尔(David Sokol)引咎辞职,原因是他在伯克希尔收购路博润之前买入了路博润的股票。
There are 75 companies in the S and P 500 with market values of $15bn to $20bn, including groups such as food manufacturer Heinz, Johnson Controlsand energy supplier Con Edison.
在标普500指数的成分股公司中,有75家的市值在150亿美元至200亿美元之间,这其中包括食品生产商亨氏(Heinz)、江森自控(Johnson Controls)以及能源供应商爱迪生电力公司(Con Edison)。
The prospect of changes to US tax laws in the new year, which may see the long-term capital gains rate rise from 15 per cent, could also prompt owners of large privately held businesses to consider a sale.
In May, Mr Buffett told shareholders gathered in an Omaha stadium for Berkshire’s annual meeting that if he failed to find a $20bn deal this year, he would consider a $30bn acquisition next year. Since that meeting, the company’s stock is up 16 per cent to $131,200 per share.
Mr Buffett said yesterday he had bought about 15 small businesses this year to “bolt on, including 63 Media General newspapers for $142m .
巴菲特昨日表示,今年他已收购了约15家小型企业以“扩充实力,其中包括以1.42亿美元的价格收购Media General旗下的63家报纸。
Mr Buffett also said he remained bullish on the US economy, which he expected to continue “inching ahead as the housing market recovered, even as global growth slows. Berkshire’s businesses have begun to see a pick-up in demand and he said he expected them to hire about 8,000 people this year.