张博伟,雅思听力名师,丰富的中英文化底蕴,激情勃发,幽默豁达,有很强的亲和力,授课风格自然、亲切,深受学生的喜爱。课堂中充满欢声笑语。拥有多年教学经验,擅长从独特的角度切入考试,简明扼要,突破障碍,直达成功,研发了《雅思听力短期突击》《雅思听力课后复习纲要》《雅思听力语法》《雅思听力核心词组》《雅思小作文面面通》等有效的学习材料,培养了众多高分学员。 座右铭:用最短的时间,考出最高的分数!
本次题目难度中等,语速适当,整体来说只有Section3 中的选择题部分难度较大,只要善加复习都可以确不错的成绩。
Section 1 与健身教练的通话
1.Current Job: Teaching
2.Tel. No.: 0407 686 121
3. Frequent: Headache
4. Occasional: Cold
5. Allergic to: Seafood
6. Have problem with her: Eyes
7. first few weeks: 30 minutes
8. location: the park
9. Sport 90 minutes: Yoga
10. Location: Sports Center
Section 2 保护动物:在动物园里工作
11. 选C look after a baby kangaroo
12. 选C collect food with animals
13. 选A colloquies
14. 选B save wild injured animal
15. 选C training the animals。
16. 选 B
17-20 填空分别是:
21. 选A 考察他们如何运用方法收集数据
22. 选A Karen
23. 选C external organization
24. meet a tutor
25. companies history
26. recent conference report
27-30 配对题
A. a lecturer of the department
C. an editor of a journal
E. a leading professor in this field
F. postgraduate student
Section 4 风力资源运用:风力发电对鸟类的影响
31. 选B wildlife researches
32. 选B gathered flock
33. 选 C
34. airports
35. cloud
36. Alarm
37. Camera
39. reliable
40. Computer
Passage 1 seed bank
题型:sentence completion
答案有 extinction, pioneers, 一个人名, -20摄氏度, drought, crop
第三题好像是什么renewable agriculture
multiple choice
要选两个.植物的作用文章中说道的有: 净化环境和补充能量
Passage 2 关于工作压力的研究stress
第一个人叫plug...什么的配的是两个:找多些人帮助可以减压, independence
第三个人是说High-level的人能处理压力好一点 最后一个配的是使顾客满意
multiple choice
第一题是第一个人没提到的观点好像是除了家庭, 睡眠和安排日程
第二题选择是说那个方法这个人没有建议也是排除法,排除多些人帮助, 改变想法和延期我写的D,
sentence completion
答案16.6weeks, 7%, a massage, workloads, workforce injures.
Passage 3教师水平和个性以及课堂环境的研究
题型:7道 summary
分4个阶段, 选的有competence, authority的名词, reliable, observation
B配的是能力做重要, C配的是personality...
Task 1:
about the number of books bought from different sources in an European country(from 2000 to 2023)
lines: bookshops、supermarkets and Internet.
task 2环境类:
Environmental problem is too big for individual countries or individual people to address. In other words, the only way to lessen environmental problems is at an international level. Do you agree or disagree?
倪慧洁, 毕业于华东师范大学英语语言文学专业,2002年开始从事雅思教学,拥有九年雅思教学和教研经验,多次获得校级和集团优秀教师称号。在2008年被集团派往澳洲新南威尔士大学参加雅思专项教研培训。现主要教授雅思听力和口语,出版有多本雅思听力系列教材和博思教材,授课风格活泼幽默,坚持寓教于乐的教学理念。
Part One
2011年第二季度开始,雅思口语的第一部分没有太大波动,没有新话题,但是第一季度的出现的新话题在第二季度考的相当凶猛,请同学们继续重点准备:Numbers, Painting and drawing, Science等新话题。
Painting and drawing(2011年第一季度新题,高频,重点准备)
Science subject(2011年第一季度新题,高频,重点准备)
Part Two Three
Describe a character in a story in your childhood.
Describe a respectable person in your family.(全新考题)
Describe a person in a piece of news.(全新考题,第二季度人物描述话题卡明显增加了。)
Describe a childrens song.(全新考题,难道考官又想听考生唱歌了???)
Describe a piece of recent news.(全新考题)
Describe a travel plan.(全新考题)
Describe a stress you know well.(全新考题)
1.What is the advantages living in the city?
2.Do the young and the old all like to live in the city?
3.Does the countryside suit for seniors?
4.Why do people in china buy private car?
5.Do you think people know the inconvenience that having a private car in the big cities?
Describe a musical event you know or on the TV.(全新考题,同学们要不学点歌吧,嘻嘻!!)
1.Why do you think children play musical instrument?
2.Do you think it necessary to have music lesson in school? Why or why not?
Describe a pleasant telephone conversation.(全新考题)
1.What advantages do mobile phones have?
2.How are young people different from old people when they use mobile phones?
3.What problems are there with mobile phones?
4.What makes face-to-face communication important?
Describe a garden you think is beautiful.(老题翻新)
1.Why do you think some cities are called garden city?
2.Did people have their own garden in the past?
3.Do you think it is necessary for a city to have public garden? Why or why not?
Describe a person you want to travel with / a travelling companion.
1.What are the pros and cons of international tourism?
2.What kinds of jobs are related to international tourism?
3.How will international tourism develop in the future?
4.Do you think international tourism will promote cultural understanding?
Describe a place near water that you visited when you were a child.
1.How do people use water in your country?
2.Do people like living near water? Why or why not?
3.How do you think ships and boats will develop in the future?
Describe an adventurous person.
1.Why do you think some people like extreme sports?
2.What kinds of people are likely to be adventurous?
3.What should people do to avoid danger when they do extreme sports?
4.Who should do the rescue operation if there is danger?
Describe a successful small company.
1.What makes a successful company?
2.What kinds of small business are there in your hometown?
3.What makes a small business successful?
4.Is there any new business recently in your country?
5.What do you think is the main difference between self employment and working for others?
6.What are the problems facing family-run company?
Describe your favorite room in your childhood.
1.How many rooms are needed for a family to run?
2.Do you think children should live in one room with their parents?
3.Do you agree that sharing rooms with others can develop childrens social skills?
4.What are the disadvantages of sharing room with others?
Describe a job you want to do.
1.How do people in china find jobs?
2.Do people find jobs with help of their relatives?
3.Does your university help students make CV or other things?
4.What do you think the important factors an employee should have?
5.How important for students to take internship?
Describe a new law or regulation that you think has improved your city.
Describe a piece of clothes that bought for you.
Describe a school building.
Describe your ideal house.
Describe an outdoor activity.
Describe a family event.
Describe something broken in your home.
Describe a job you want to try.
Describe a project you did with others.
Describe a happy event in your childhood and schooldays.
Describe a neighbor you know.
Describe an important photo.
Describe an occasion that you helped others.
Describe something you do to protect environment.
Describe a book you read when you were a child.
Describe the oldest person you know.
Describe a quiz show on TV that you would like to take part in.
Describe a vehicle you want to buy.
Describe a visit to a friend or a family member.
Describe an important celebration in your culture.
Describe a successful person.
Describe an educational TV program.
Describe a person who speaks a foreign language.
Describe a change to improve your health.
Describe a child you know.
Describe something expensive you bought.
Describe a teacher in your childhood you would like to see again.
张博伟,雅思听力名师,丰富的中英文化底蕴,激情勃发,幽默豁达,有很强的亲和力,授课风格自然、亲切,深受学生的喜爱。课堂中充满欢声笑语。拥有多年教学经验,擅长从独特的角度切入考试,简明扼要,突破障碍,直达成功,研发了《雅思听力短期突击》《雅思听力课后复习纲要》《雅思听力语法》《雅思听力核心词组》《雅思小作文面面通》等有效的学习材料,培养了众多高分学员。 座右铭:用最短的时间,考出最高的分数!
本次题目难度中等,语速适当,整体来说只有Section3 中的选择题部分难度较大,只要善加复习都可以确不错的成绩。
Section 1 与健身教练的通话
1.Current Job: Teaching
2.Tel. No.: 0407 686 121
3. Frequent: Headache
4. Occasional: Cold
5. Allergic to: Seafood
6. Have problem with her: Eyes
7. first few weeks: 30 minutes
8. location: the park
9. Sport 90 minutes: Yoga
10. Location: Sports Center
Section 2 保护动物:在动物园里工作
11. 选C look after a baby kangaroo
12. 选C collect food with animals
13. 选A colloquies
14. 选B save wild injured animal
15. 选C training the animals。
16. 选 B
17-20 填空分别是:
21. 选A 考察他们如何运用方法收集数据
22. 选A Karen
23. 选C external organization
24. meet a tutor
25. companies history
26. recent conference report
27-30 配对题
A. a lecturer of the department
C. an editor of a journal
E. a leading professor in this field
F. postgraduate student
Section 4 风力资源运用:风力发电对鸟类的影响
31. 选B wildlife researches
32. 选B gathered flock
33. 选 C
34. airports
35. cloud
36. Alarm
37. Camera
39. reliable
40. Computer
Passage 1 seed bank
题型:sentence completion
答案有 extinction, pioneers, 一个人名, -20摄氏度, drought, crop
第三题好像是什么renewable agriculture
multiple choice
要选两个.植物的作用文章中说道的有: 净化环境和补充能量
Passage 2 关于工作压力的研究stress
第一个人叫plug...什么的配的是两个:找多些人帮助可以减压, independence
第三个人是说High-level的人能处理压力好一点 最后一个配的是使顾客满意
multiple choice
第一题是第一个人没提到的观点好像是除了家庭, 睡眠和安排日程
第二题选择是说那个方法这个人没有建议也是排除法,排除多些人帮助, 改变想法和延期我写的D,
sentence completion
答案16.6weeks, 7%, a massage, workloads, workforce injures.
Passage 3教师水平和个性以及课堂环境的研究
题型:7道 summary
分4个阶段, 选的有competence, authority的名词, reliable, observation
B配的是能力做重要, C配的是personality...
Task 1:
about the number of books bought from different sources in an European country(from 2000 to 2023)
lines: bookshops、supermarkets and Internet.
task 2环境类:
Environmental problem is too big for individual countries or individual people to address. In other words, the only way to lessen environmental problems is at an international level. Do you agree or disagree?
倪慧洁, 毕业于华东师范大学英语语言文学专业,2002年开始从事雅思教学,拥有九年雅思教学和教研经验,多次获得校级和集团优秀教师称号。在2008年被集团派往澳洲新南威尔士大学参加雅思专项教研培训。现主要教授雅思听力和口语,出版有多本雅思听力系列教材和博思教材,授课风格活泼幽默,坚持寓教于乐的教学理念。
Part One
2011年第二季度开始,雅思口语的第一部分没有太大波动,没有新话题,但是第一季度的出现的新话题在第二季度考的相当凶猛,请同学们继续重点准备:Numbers, Painting and drawing, Science等新话题。
Painting and drawing(2011年第一季度新题,高频,重点准备)
Science subject(2011年第一季度新题,高频,重点准备)
Part Two Three
Describe a character in a story in your childhood.
Describe a respectable person in your family.(全新考题)
Describe a person in a piece of news.(全新考题,第二季度人物描述话题卡明显增加了。)
Describe a childrens song.(全新考题,难道考官又想听考生唱歌了???)
Describe a piece of recent news.(全新考题)
Describe a travel plan.(全新考题)
Describe a stress you know well.(全新考题)
1.What is the advantages living in the city?
2.Do the young and the old all like to live in the city?
3.Does the countryside suit for seniors?
4.Why do people in china buy private car?
5.Do you think people know the inconvenience that having a private car in the big cities?
Describe a musical event you know or on the TV.(全新考题,同学们要不学点歌吧,嘻嘻!!)
1.Why do you think children play musical instrument?
2.Do you think it necessary to have music lesson in school? Why or why not?
Describe a pleasant telephone conversation.(全新考题)
1.What advantages do mobile phones have?
2.How are young people different from old people when they use mobile phones?
3.What problems are there with mobile phones?
4.What makes face-to-face communication important?
Describe a garden you think is beautiful.(老题翻新)
1.Why do you think some cities are called garden city?
2.Did people have their own garden in the past?
3.Do you think it is necessary for a city to have public garden? Why or why not?
Describe a person you want to travel with / a travelling companion.
1.What are the pros and cons of international tourism?
2.What kinds of jobs are related to international tourism?
3.How will international tourism develop in the future?
4.Do you think international tourism will promote cultural understanding?
Describe a place near water that you visited when you were a child.
1.How do people use water in your country?
2.Do people like living near water? Why or why not?
3.How do you think ships and boats will develop in the future?
Describe an adventurous person.
1.Why do you think some people like extreme sports?
2.What kinds of people are likely to be adventurous?
3.What should people do to avoid danger when they do extreme sports?
4.Who should do the rescue operation if there is danger?
Describe a successful small company.
1.What makes a successful company?
2.What kinds of small business are there in your hometown?
3.What makes a small business successful?
4.Is there any new business recently in your country?
5.What do you think is the main difference between self employment and working for others?
6.What are the problems facing family-run company?
Describe your favorite room in your childhood.
1.How many rooms are needed for a family to run?
2.Do you think children should live in one room with their parents?
3.Do you agree that sharing rooms with others can develop childrens social skills?
4.What are the disadvantages of sharing room with others?
Describe a job you want to do.
1.How do people in china find jobs?
2.Do people find jobs with help of their relatives?
3.Does your university help students make CV or other things?
4.What do you think the important factors an employee should have?
5.How important for students to take internship?
Describe a new law or regulation that you think has improved your city.
Describe a piece of clothes that bought for you.
Describe a school building.
Describe your ideal house.
Describe an outdoor activity.
Describe a family event.
Describe something broken in your home.
Describe a job you want to try.
Describe a project you did with others.
Describe a happy event in your childhood and schooldays.
Describe a neighbor you know.
Describe an important photo.
Describe an occasion that you helped others.
Describe something you do to protect environment.
Describe a book you read when you were a child.
Describe the oldest person you know.
Describe a quiz show on TV that you would like to take part in.
Describe a vehicle you want to buy.
Describe a visit to a friend or a family member.
Describe an important celebration in your culture.
Describe a successful person.
Describe an educational TV program.
Describe a person who speaks a foreign language.
Describe a change to improve your health.
Describe a child you know.
Describe something expensive you bought.
Describe a teacher in your childhood you would like to see again.