Section One
本题是老题目,请参考雅思听力机经版本号:Version 30081中的Section One。本题目最早出现在2006年4月29日在中国地区的考试中。
本题讲的是一个学生去登记处找Part-time Job,填写他对找工作的一些要求,还涉及时间,日期,号码等内容。(全部为填空题)
1.地址:8 Hill Road
2.地区:North Park
3.邮编:C029LU / C0290U
4.电话号码:02777(0 two seven, double seven)
6.Customers Services(已给出)工作:第二选择:Bookkeeping
7.no washing stuffs
8.语言:西班牙语:advanced level (一开始说intermediate,后面的才是正确答案)
9.工作时间:Tuesday to Saturday
10.何时开始工作:25th September
Section Two
本题同样是老题,请参考雅思听力机经版本号:Version06142中的Section Two。
A. hovercraft B. plane C. ferry
12 -15 配对题(选项少于题干型)
A: South Island B: East Island C: North Island
12.Golf Course:B / C
13.Family Hotel:B
14.Self-catering Hotel:C
15.Natural Walk:A
17.不可以用:mobile phone
Section Three
本题讲的是两位同学讨论新学期的研究课题,讨论light的影响(配对题+单选题+多选题),版本号:Version 11145。
21 25(配对题,A F表示不同的观点,21 25不同的学者)
21.有light restriction内容的选项(对动物生长的影响,减少动物数量,减少昆虫数量什么)
22.有alternative lighting内容的选项
23.有water condition内容的选项
28 30:B E F
Section Four
本题讲的是关于选择建造机场的地点和位置(全部为填空题),版本号:Version 11145。
31.Internal flight mainly about ---- business
32.International flight mainly about ---- vacations
33.exported ---- electronic goods
34.large ---- tax / revenue contribution
35.Highway ---- connection
36.Site A: 同意: the site is ---- flat
37.including ---- birds
38.反对:high risk of ---- flooding
39.Site B: 优点题目已给出,缺点:increased ---- traffic
40.air ---- quality
Passage 1: Sweet Trouble: Australian sugar industry.
题型:Matching 人名配观点;T/F/NG 判断题。
Passage 2: Mammoth Kill.
内容:讲某种大型动物的灭绝,有三种理论,第一种认为是人类过度打猎,叫做overkill model,第二种认为原因是疾病蔓延,deadly disease, 第三种认为是环境改变,considerable climate instability.
题型:Completion 填空(填三种理论);Matching 人名配理论;Summary 摘要题。
Passage 3: The Changing framework of rural policy in Britain .
题型:Multiple Choice 单选 ;T/F/NG 判断 ;Short Answers 简答 ;Global Multi-Choice 主旨选择题
Some people think that the main purpose of schools is to turn children into good citizens and workers, rather to benefit them as individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (教育类,同06年10月14日)
Part 1
1)Work or Studies本月最为高频的考题!每个月都基本不变的必考题了!
What school do you go to?
Why did you choose that university ?
How do you like your subject?
What do you do at work?
Do you think the first day at work is important?
Do you think the first day at university is important?
What subjects are you studying?
Why did you choose that subject?
Do you like your job?
Would you like to change your job?
Do you think it will be easy to find that kind of work?
Did you like your first day at university?
Do you think you will need to receive any training in the future?
What job would you like to do in the future?
Why are you taking the IELTS test?
Whats your favourite subject at school?
Whats the most difficult part of your course?
Whats the most interesting part of your course ?
For you, whats the most interesting part of your course?
2) Home Accommodation living place community neighborhood
Do you live in a house or a flat?
How long have you lived there?
What are the benefits of living in a flat/house?
Whats your favorite room in your home?
Please describe your home a little.
Is it easy to travel to and from your home?
Would you say its a good place to live?
Where do you come from?
How do you think your home could be improved?
What is the environment like around your flat/house?
Do you plan to live there for a long time?
Where do you live at the moment?
Does your whole family live there?
Tell me something about your hometown.
Would you say its a good place to grow up?
Would you say thats a good place to live?
Do you plan to live there/here for a long time?
What would you recommend a tourist see in your hometown?
Do you prefer to live in a big city or in the countryside?
What city would you like to live in ?
Whats the traffic situation like in your hometown ?
Do you have special meal/ snack in festival?
What do you usually eat in particular festival?
Who usually does the cooking in your family ?
Do you know how to cook?
Would you like to cook in the future?
What would you like to cook in the future?
Do you like cooking?
When did you learn how to cook?
Did you learn how to cook when you were younger ?
Did you ever cook when you were a child?
Who taught you how to cook?
When was the last time you did some cooking?
Can you see yourself cooking more in the future? Why?
In the future, do you think you will be cooking more than you do now, or less?
4) Neighbours
Do you think its important to have a good relationship with your neighbours?
What sorts of problems can people have with their neighbours?
In what ways can neighbours help each other?
Do you know your neighbours?
How often do you talk to your neighbours?
Do you prefer to have young people as your neighbours, or old people?
how many kids are there in your family?
Does your mom still work?
Who does most of the cooking in your family?
Do you appreciate any flowers in particular in the festival?
Do you like flowers?
What flowers do you like?
Do you think flowers are important?
On what occasions are flowers important?
On what occasions do people in your country give flowers to other people?
When was the last time you gave flowers to someone?
Do you like to have flowers in your home?
Do you grow flowers at home?
Do many people in your country grow flowers at home?
Whats the climate like in your China?
Whats the climate like in your hometown?
Whats the weather like in your hometown?
What changes are there between the different seasons in your country?
Whats your favorite season?
Do you usually pay attention to the weather forecasts?
Does the weather ever affect what you do?
Do you do the same things in the different seasons of the year?
9)Magazines and Newspapers
Do you like reading magazines and newspapers?
What kinds of magazines do you usually read?
Have you ever read a foreign newspaper ?
Do you like shopping?
Do you prefer shopping alone or with others?
What time of the day do you prefer to go shopping?
When was the last time you went shopping? C
Do you prefer to buy things in small shops or in big shops such as supermarkets and department stores?
Is there anything you dislike about shopping?
11) Animals
Do you like animals?
Whats your favorite animal?
Are people in your country fond of animals?
Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?
Do children like animals?
What was your favourite animal when you were a child?
If you have children in the future, will you allow them to raise a pet?
12)Clothes and Fashion
Do you wear Chinese traditional clothes in festival?
Do you like shopping for clothes?
Are you very interested in fashion ?
Do many people follow fashion?
Have you ever been on a long trip?
Do you like travelling? Why?
Which country would you like to travel to ?
Are there many museums in your hometown?
Do you often visit a museum?
Did you go to museums when you were younger?
When was the last time you visited a museum?
Do you think museums are important?
Do you think its suitable for museums to sell things to visitors?
Part 23 第二部分和第三部分
第二部分的话题卡片基本都是describe ..., 卡片上topic下面涉及的四个问题无外乎就是when/ where/ who/ how/ why / function/ feature这样的问题。
第一大类: Person
1、 Describe a TV or radio presenter
What skills does a person need to be a TV or radio presenter?
What are some differences between a radio presenter and a TV presenter?
2、Describe a long journey that you have been on.
What are the different forms of transport that people use for long journeys?
How can transportation be improved?
3、Describe a family you enjoyed spending time with.
Can you think of any activities that younger family members and older family members do together?
4、Describe an elder person you know and admire
Do people like to be old?
Do elder people need to be educated?
Is there any lesson for elder people?
5、Describe a friend you admire.
What kinds of people do young people admire?
6、Describe a famous artist you admire
Do you think art is important?
How has art changed in the past few years ?
How important do you think it is for children to have art classes in school?
What are some good ways to teach art to children?
Do you think art and literature should be taught in universities?
7、Describe a famous foreign person you would like to meet
Why would people want to be famous?
How does fame influence them?
How would they change after being famous?
8、Describe a person who helped you on an important occasion
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a strong family relationship?