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  同义表达,在本文是指同义词,同义词组甚至同义句型。这一结构在多种出国考试和国内考试中都非常重要,在我教过的多年的,IELTS,SAT,国内 英语当中,同义表达在写作,填空,阅读当中都占据了非常重要的地位,本文的目的是各位准备考试的同学同义表达的重要性和如何准备这类内容。



  雅思写作7分要求考生有 diversity and ambition in vocabulary and structures,其实可以用很多办法达到多样性,同义表达的方法也很多。例如说一句话 越来越多的人们觉得,汽车污染了环境。我们如果说 More and more people think that the cars pollute the environment.就最多5分,因为绝大部分考生都是用这个极其简单的句型,其实我们可以多背些同义词,多换些句型,例如 People in growing number believe that 这个growing 还可以变成Rising/accumulating/Ascending/Surging/soaring 这个句型就可以得6分,7分的句子其实可以很简单:Richer awareness has been given to the phenomenon of vehicle pollution. 类似的,在同一段话里,尽量避免完全相同的关键词表达。比如可以在同一个词的基础上变换拼写,communication communicator clothes clothing, ambitious ambition 等类似的做法。另外还可以变换词性,如 令人惊奇的是 写to my surprise 就毫无新意,换成surprisingly 就好的多,如果背了同义变换,把surprisingly 换成Astonishingly 则档次又上去了一些。有时候某些题目发现很难举出例子,关键词的同义变化就起到全篇充实的作用,例如有个题目问传统服装是否合适现代生活,这个题目要举例很难,我们会发现不管旗袍,中山装,长衫都不好说,英国的苏格兰裙也不知道如何说,那只有尽量多些变换traditional clothes 的表达,例如可以变成conventional/traditional/customary/established/time-honoured clothes/dress/garb/garments/wear 等的搭配,如何写这类文章不是今天讨论的问题,而至少我可以告诉各位,同义词在这里会帮助我们度过难关。雅思考试的句型量也很重要,大家到学习,很多同学经常说的就是书上的句型很值得学习,但是不要只是这样说,而是真正的会背会用。学习最怕走入死胡同,尽量把题目进行改写,换句型,换动词换副词,这一切也都离不开同义词。多说也难以详尽,最好课堂上见,可以仔细的给你检测问题。



  例如阅读题里面,有篇GRE文章谈agricultural depression 农民不满情绪,在题目里面便成了 the change of American farmers morale 美国农民士气的变化, 有篇文章讲蛾子吃树叶,树分泌单宁自救,岂知治好了蛾子的病毒传染,反倒受害更甚,这么复杂的表达,一个题目总结为the mechanism of the defense has backfired. 对于很害怕阅读部分的SAT,GRE考生,不断做题不断归纳同义表达才是正道,例如,我们做SAT阅读就很清楚,看见选项有以下单词,该项必错:nostalgia, hostility, indignation等,这类都具有人身攻击的意思,这类词可以排除。以上考试背单词,最好拿韦氏同义词典去背,OG,历年真题的归纳也至关重要。

  归纳的表达用在写作里也非常好,其实就是用考试文本自身去表达你的观点,原汁化原食 此非妄也。


  英语常用词用法词典,商务印书馆,西语系英语专业,主编 齐声乔

  Oxford Fowlers Dictionary of English Usage







  Women find they must work to earn enough money to provide for their family.

  Once they get married, the majority of women continue working since the financial pressures of setting up a house and establishing a reasonable standard of living often require two incomes.

  Those professional childcare facilities come at a cost and often require two salaries coming into a family to be afforded.

  Indeed it could be argued that by giving mothers the opportunity to work and earn extra money children can be better provided for than previously. There is more money for luxuries and holidays and a more secure family life is possible.


  The arts can be an important attraction for tourists, bringing considerable revenue into the country.

  Government subsidy of the arts is unnecessary as if art is good enough, then people will pay for it. If art is not good enough to be popular, then government should not reward it for its failure.

  Art is not a commodity.


  It is cheaper to kill them than to imprison for life.

  Prisons in many countries are over-crowded and under-funded, and this problem is made worse by life sentences or delayed death sentences for murderers.


  Globalisation has increased world prosperity.

  血腥运动(Blood sports):

  Many rural communities would be devastated by a ban on hunting.


  If everyone spoke the same language it would be much easier for people to move and work in different countries or to conduct trade with each other.


  Parents often find some uniform items, e.g. jackets, very expensive compared to the rest of their childs wardrobe, and complain they can never be worn outside the school environment.


  They identify population control as a means to raising living standards.

  If education does not succeed within a time scale, it may be necessary to consider other measures, such as tax incentives or child-benefit payments for small families only.


  However, in many countries children work because their families need the additional income, no matter how small.

  It is an unfortunate fact that many employers prefer to use the services of children simply to save money by paying them less than adults and it is this type of exploitation that should be discouraged.


  There is also an economic argument for doing so. Statistics demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of treating a condition in the early stages, rather than delaying until more expensive and prolonged treatment is necessary.


  Tourism is the largest industry in the world. It surpasses trade in oil, steel, and armaments in total dollar value and in employment created.

  Often large sums of money are needed to attract tourists, so significant capital investment may be wasted.


  Space exploration is a waste of resources.

  Our dreams of exploring space are a luxury we cannot afford.


  A further point is that governments throughout the world make huge profits from levying taxes on cigarettes. This provides funds which are used for building schools, hospitals and other public amenities.

  A further issue is that smoking costs governments millions of pounds because of the large number of people who need treatment in hospitals for smoking related problems.



  This also helps to create jobs in the childcare sector, generating employment for more people.


  The nuclear industry is a major employer.


  The economic and employment situation in many countries means that jobs are getting more, not less, stressful, requiring long hours and perhaps long journeys to work as well. Therefore it may remain for many a desirable ideal rather than an achievable reality.


  Tourism increases employment opportunities. Additional jobs, ranging from low-wage, entry level to high-paying professional positions in management and technical fields, generate income and raise standards of living. As tourism increases in importance, tourism-related employment needs will also increase.

  Many hotels are part of large international chains, choosing to exploit local labour purely because it is cheap.


  The tobacco industry also employs tens of thousands of people throughout the world.



  Nowadays many people spend the biggest part of their free time watching television.


  After-school jobs are bad for teenagers because they take time away from studying.


  Sport is a waste of school time and resources.



  Encouraging physical activity in the young through compulsory PE fights child obesity and contributes to forming lifelong habits of exercise.


  The actual physical damage inflicted via corporal punishment on children can be horrifying.

  Some parents lose control and can injure children - even breaking bones or causing bruises.


  There is little doubt that smoking tobacco is extremely harmful to the smokers health.


  Routinely arming police officers allows them to defend themselves.



  Depression is a well-known psychological problem of modern society. The popularity of TV watching is among the reasons of this phenomenon. Violence, aggression, crimes and wars are broadcast through the daily news as well as in movies, showing dark pictures that encourage psychological tension, pessimism and negative emotions.

  While TV and movies shouldnt be a way to hide from life, sometimes it can help us to cope.


  Some students have mental breakdowns and, in extreme cases, attempt suicide because they cannot handle the pressure.


  They learn that force is an acceptable factor in human interaction; they feel humiliated and lose self-respect.

  A physical punishment is likely to provoke resentment and further misbehavior.


  Without the opportunity to do this, they could grow up immature and unformed.

  Iit is also important to remember that children need to relax as well as work. If everything they do must have educational or academic relevance, then they will soon get tired of studying altogether, which is the last thing parents would want.


  First, smoking undoubtedly helps many people to relax.

  Indeed the more of a forbidden fruit cigarettes become, the more attractive they will be to adolescents.


  Excessive and violence in the media can lead to similar behaviour in viewers .

  Psychologists claim that television does not have a simple, direct stimulus-response effect on its audiences.


  Routinely arming the police is an effective deterrent to criminal behaviour.

  People may feel safer when they see armed police, especially if they perceive them as a response to a heightened risk.

  希望各位做到: 作完题目归纳同义表达,包括句子和词组,用不同的词去变化句型,那么一般的考试不在话下。



  同义表达,在本文是指同义词,同义词组甚至同义句型。这一结构在多种出国考试和国内考试中都非常重要,在我教过的多年的,IELTS,SAT,国内 英语当中,同义表达在写作,填空,阅读当中都占据了非常重要的地位,本文的目的是各位准备考试的同学同义表达的重要性和如何准备这类内容。



  雅思写作7分要求考生有 diversity and ambition in vocabulary and structures,其实可以用很多办法达到多样性,同义表达的方法也很多。例如说一句话 越来越多的人们觉得,汽车污染了环境。我们如果说 More and more people think that the cars pollute the environment.就最多5分,因为绝大部分考生都是用这个极其简单的句型,其实我们可以多背些同义词,多换些句型,例如 People in growing number believe that 这个growing 还可以变成Rising/accumulating/Ascending/Surging/soaring 这个句型就可以得6分,7分的句子其实可以很简单:Richer awareness has been given to the phenomenon of vehicle pollution. 类似的,在同一段话里,尽量避免完全相同的关键词表达。比如可以在同一个词的基础上变换拼写,communication communicator clothes clothing, ambitious ambition 等类似的做法。另外还可以变换词性,如 令人惊奇的是 写to my surprise 就毫无新意,换成surprisingly 就好的多,如果背了同义变换,把surprisingly 换成Astonishingly 则档次又上去了一些。有时候某些题目发现很难举出例子,关键词的同义变化就起到全篇充实的作用,例如有个题目问传统服装是否合适现代生活,这个题目要举例很难,我们会发现不管旗袍,中山装,长衫都不好说,英国的苏格兰裙也不知道如何说,那只有尽量多些变换traditional clothes 的表达,例如可以变成conventional/traditional/customary/established/time-honoured clothes/dress/garb/garments/wear 等的搭配,如何写这类文章不是今天讨论的问题,而至少我可以告诉各位,同义词在这里会帮助我们度过难关。雅思考试的句型量也很重要,大家到学习,很多同学经常说的就是书上的句型很值得学习,但是不要只是这样说,而是真正的会背会用。学习最怕走入死胡同,尽量把题目进行改写,换句型,换动词换副词,这一切也都离不开同义词。多说也难以详尽,最好课堂上见,可以仔细的给你检测问题。



  例如阅读题里面,有篇GRE文章谈agricultural depression 农民不满情绪,在题目里面便成了 the change of American farmers morale 美国农民士气的变化, 有篇文章讲蛾子吃树叶,树分泌单宁自救,岂知治好了蛾子的病毒传染,反倒受害更甚,这么复杂的表达,一个题目总结为the mechanism of the defense has backfired. 对于很害怕阅读部分的SAT,GRE考生,不断做题不断归纳同义表达才是正道,例如,我们做SAT阅读就很清楚,看见选项有以下单词,该项必错:nostalgia, hostility, indignation等,这类都具有人身攻击的意思,这类词可以排除。以上考试背单词,最好拿韦氏同义词典去背,OG,历年真题的归纳也至关重要。

  归纳的表达用在写作里也非常好,其实就是用考试文本自身去表达你的观点,原汁化原食 此非妄也。


  英语常用词用法词典,商务印书馆,西语系英语专业,主编 齐声乔

  Oxford Fowlers Dictionary of English Usage







  Women find they must work to earn enough money to provide for their family.

  Once they get married, the majority of women continue working since the financial pressures of setting up a house and establishing a reasonable standard of living often require two incomes.

  Those professional childcare facilities come at a cost and often require two salaries coming into a family to be afforded.

  Indeed it could be argued that by giving mothers the opportunity to work and earn extra money children can be better provided for than previously. There is more money for luxuries and holidays and a more secure family life is possible.


  The arts can be an important attraction for tourists, bringing considerable revenue into the country.

  Government subsidy of the arts is unnecessary as if art is good enough, then people will pay for it. If art is not good enough to be popular, then government should not reward it for its failure.

  Art is not a commodity.


  It is cheaper to kill them than to imprison for life.

  Prisons in many countries are over-crowded and under-funded, and this problem is made worse by life sentences or delayed death sentences for murderers.


  Globalisation has increased world prosperity.

  血腥运动(Blood sports):

  Many rural communities would be devastated by a ban on hunting.


  If everyone spoke the same language it would be much easier for people to move and work in different countries or to conduct trade with each other.


  Parents often find some uniform items, e.g. jackets, very expensive compared to the rest of their childs wardrobe, and complain they can never be worn outside the school environment.


  They identify population control as a means to raising living standards.

  If education does not succeed within a time scale, it may be necessary to consider other measures, such as tax incentives or child-benefit payments for small families only.


  However, in many countries children work because their families need the additional income, no matter how small.

  It is an unfortunate fact that many employers prefer to use the services of children simply to save money by paying them less than adults and it is this type of exploitation that should be discouraged.


  There is also an economic argument for doing so. Statistics demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of treating a condition in the early stages, rather than delaying until more expensive and prolonged treatment is necessary.


  Tourism is the largest industry in the world. It surpasses trade in oil, steel, and armaments in total dollar value and in employment created.

  Often large sums of money are needed to attract tourists, so significant capital investment may be wasted.


  Space exploration is a waste of resources.

  Our dreams of exploring space are a luxury we cannot afford.


  A further point is that governments throughout the world make huge profits from levying taxes on cigarettes. This provides funds which are used for building schools, hospitals and other public amenities.

  A further issue is that smoking costs governments millions of pounds because of the large number of people who need treatment in hospitals for smoking related problems.



  This also helps to create jobs in the childcare sector, generating employment for more people.


  The nuclear industry is a major employer.


  The economic and employment situation in many countries means that jobs are getting more, not less, stressful, requiring long hours and perhaps long journeys to work as well. Therefore it may remain for many a desirable ideal rather than an achievable reality.


  Tourism increases employment opportunities. Additional jobs, ranging from low-wage, entry level to high-paying professional positions in management and technical fields, generate income and raise standards of living. As tourism increases in importance, tourism-related employment needs will also increase.

  Many hotels are part of large international chains, choosing to exploit local labour purely because it is cheap.


  The tobacco industry also employs tens of thousands of people throughout the world.



  Nowadays many people spend the biggest part of their free time watching television.


  After-school jobs are bad for teenagers because they take time away from studying.


  Sport is a waste of school time and resources.



  Encouraging physical activity in the young through compulsory PE fights child obesity and contributes to forming lifelong habits of exercise.


  The actual physical damage inflicted via corporal punishment on children can be horrifying.

  Some parents lose control and can injure children - even breaking bones or causing bruises.


  There is little doubt that smoking tobacco is extremely harmful to the smokers health.


  Routinely arming police officers allows them to defend themselves.



  Depression is a well-known psychological problem of modern society. The popularity of TV watching is among the reasons of this phenomenon. Violence, aggression, crimes and wars are broadcast through the daily news as well as in movies, showing dark pictures that encourage psychological tension, pessimism and negative emotions.

  While TV and movies shouldnt be a way to hide from life, sometimes it can help us to cope.


  Some students have mental breakdowns and, in extreme cases, attempt suicide because they cannot handle the pressure.


  They learn that force is an acceptable factor in human interaction; they feel humiliated and lose self-respect.

  A physical punishment is likely to provoke resentment and further misbehavior.


  Without the opportunity to do this, they could grow up immature and unformed.

  Iit is also important to remember that children need to relax as well as work. If everything they do must have educational or academic relevance, then they will soon get tired of studying altogether, which is the last thing parents would want.


  First, smoking undoubtedly helps many people to relax.

  Indeed the more of a forbidden fruit cigarettes become, the more attractive they will be to adolescents.


  Excessive and violence in the media can lead to similar behaviour in viewers .

  Psychologists claim that television does not have a simple, direct stimulus-response effect on its audiences.


  Routinely arming the police is an effective deterrent to criminal behaviour.

  People may feel safer when they see armed police, especially if they perceive them as a response to a heightened risk.

  希望各位做到: 作完题目归纳同义表达,包括句子和词组,用不同的词去变化句型,那么一般的考试不在话下。





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雕塑 信息流广告 竞价托管 招生通 周易 易经 代理招生 二手车 剧本网 网络推广 自学教程 招生代理 旅游攻略 非物质文化遗产 河北信息网 石家庄人才网 买车咨询 河北人才网 招生考试 精雕图 戏曲下载 河北生活网 好书推荐 工作计划 游戏攻略 心理测试 石家庄网络推广 石家庄招聘 石家庄网络营销 培训网 好做题 游戏攻略 考研真题 代理招生 心理咨询 游戏攻略 兴趣爱好 网络知识 品牌营销 商标交易 游戏攻略 短视频代运营 张家口人才网 秦皇岛人才网 PS修图 宝宝起名 零基础学习电脑 电商设计 职业培训 免费发布信息 服装服饰 律师咨询 搜救犬 Chat GPT中文版 语料库 范文网 工作总结 二手车估价 短视频剪辑 情侣网名 爱采购代运营 保定招聘 黄金回收价格 情感文案 吊车 古诗词 邯郸人才网 铁皮房 衡水人才网 石家庄点痣 微信运营 养花 名酒回收 石家庄代理记账 女士发型 搜搜作文 石家庄人才网 铜雕 关键词优化 围棋 chatGPT 读后感 玄机派 企业服务 法律咨询 chatGPT国内版 chatGPT官网 励志名言 儿童文学 河北代理记账公司 风水运势 狗狗百科 教育培训 游戏推荐 抖音代运营 朋友圈文案 男士发型 培训招生 文玩 大可如意 保定人才网 沧州人才网 黄金回收 承德人才网 石家庄人才网 模型机 高度酒 沐盛有礼 公司注册 十亩地 造纸术 唐山人才网 沐盛传媒 铜雕厂家