伴随着第一场雪,圆圆老师的小窝又重见天日啦! 前一阵子一直一直都爬不上来,系统说错误错误,鄙人担心的要命,现在终于又见到可爱的鸭子们给我留的言了,嘻嘻嘿嘿哈哈---
上周六,也就是19号,我正好在海大门口等车来,结果巧了,在北京时间大约8:05分到8:20这段时间内,每开过来一辆公交车,车门一开,必定会看到偶认识的学员从车上走下来,裹紧大衣,恨不能变成套子里的人,见到我之后,无一例外狂奔过来亲切握手,就差眼中闪出激动的泪花了.那天天很冷的,Steven还俏耍的不行,穿个棉服背心,不知道考场有没有因为不停用袖子擦鼻涕而引起考官的怀疑,吼吼~~ 后来那天上午,每过半小时,我就会想想他们现在该做哪一部分了,题目会不会很难?12点的时候,手机频繁想起,汇报题目的,表达愤懑之情的,表达忐忑之心的都有.题目顺便在这里汇报一下昂,又是社会类的辩论题型,题目审题简单,但是组织思路不容易:Some people think the traditional ideas and experience of the older generation is not helpful to the young. Do you agree or disagree? 好多鸭子说不好写,我们家小暴和Bagwell打电话的时候就说自己写完了都觉得不大理解.我是这样分析的,如果同意,就从不同时代的差异来写,比如1. Times has changed, therefore the traditional ones will not be adaptable to the present society. 2. The different generations have quite different thinking patterns, for example, the old are conservative and stubborn, while the young are ambitious and enterprising. 3.Varying educational background is also responsible for this phenomenon. 如果同意:1.Their experience has endured the test of time, therefore, it will turn out to be of great help for the young to avoid detours. 2. The traditional ideas or virtues inherited from the old generations, like to respect the old and to cherish the young, has become part of cultural essence.
伴随着第一场雪,圆圆老师的小窝又重见天日啦! 前一阵子一直一直都爬不上来,系统说错误错误,鄙人担心的要命,现在终于又见到可爱的鸭子们给我留的言了,嘻嘻嘿嘿哈哈---
上周六,也就是19号,我正好在海大门口等车来,结果巧了,在北京时间大约8:05分到8:20这段时间内,每开过来一辆公交车,车门一开,必定会看到偶认识的学员从车上走下来,裹紧大衣,恨不能变成套子里的人,见到我之后,无一例外狂奔过来亲切握手,就差眼中闪出激动的泪花了.那天天很冷的,Steven还俏耍的不行,穿个棉服背心,不知道考场有没有因为不停用袖子擦鼻涕而引起考官的怀疑,吼吼~~ 后来那天上午,每过半小时,我就会想想他们现在该做哪一部分了,题目会不会很难?12点的时候,手机频繁想起,汇报题目的,表达愤懑之情的,表达忐忑之心的都有.题目顺便在这里汇报一下昂,又是社会类的辩论题型,题目审题简单,但是组织思路不容易:Some people think the traditional ideas and experience of the older generation is not helpful to the young. Do you agree or disagree? 好多鸭子说不好写,我们家小暴和Bagwell打电话的时候就说自己写完了都觉得不大理解.我是这样分析的,如果同意,就从不同时代的差异来写,比如1. Times has changed, therefore the traditional ones will not be adaptable to the present society. 2. The different generations have quite different thinking patterns, for example, the old are conservative and stubborn, while the young are ambitious and enterprising. 3.Varying educational background is also responsible for this phenomenon. 如果同意:1.Their experience has endured the test of time, therefore, it will turn out to be of great help for the young to avoid detours. 2. The traditional ideas or virtues inherited from the old generations, like to respect the old and to cherish the young, has become part of cultural essence.