Tell me about a leader that you admire
You should say:
Who he/she is
How you get to know him/her
What he/she has done
And explain why you admire him/her。
Today I am going to talk about a great leader in sportsMichael Jordan. He is so famous that he is almost known by every young people in China. I first heard this name when I was in high-school. At that time, he led his team and took the throne of the NBA national championship for the fifth time。
I admire him not only because he is great, but also because Ive learned a lot from him. First, he is a great team leader, team person. Ive learned from him that to be truly successful in my life, I need to build a strong team, draw on its strength, and lead the whole team to a great height. I cant be a long-ranger。
Second, Jordan has shown his great charisma as a leader. People, even his opponents, respect him, admire him. That teaches me that I must become a person that people follow me not because of what I do or have done, but because of who I am。
首先就人物的选择上,相信没有什么问题。考生可以选择大多数自己所熟悉的并且仰慕的政治或体育领袖,如:体育明星Yao Ming, Liu Xiang, David Beckham,政治领袖 Chairman Mao, Abraham Lincoln等。不过选择考官熟悉的正面人物这样一般性的原则还是要遵守的。如果考生说自己喜爱的领袖是希特勒或者萨达姆,热爱和平的人们的反应是可想而知的。另外如果是女性考生,可以考虑选择一位女性领导或明星,如:我们国家的副总理吴仪,或美国国务卿莱斯。
在此,我推荐使用昵称法。以吴仪为例,因其作为卫生部部长期间的坚毅不拔与非典作斗争的精神,我们可以亲切地称呼她为Ms. Determination。同时她也在人们心中留下了深刻的印象,成为一个时代女性的象征。
The boss drives his workers; the leader coaches them。
The boss depends upon authority; the leader on goodwill。
The boss inspires fear; the leader inspires enthusiasm。
The boss says I the leader, we。
The boss fixes the blame for the breakdown; the leader fixes the breakdown。
The boss knows how it is done; the leader shows how。
The boss says go the leader says lets go!
Why do societies need leaders?
Basically each society is full of institutions such as government, school, hospital, and others that need people at the top to lead and make decisions。
Is success related to personality?
Yes and no. First, I have to acknowledge that it is easier for people of some personality types to become successful. For example, a well-organized person tends to have very good time and resources management and thus often becomes successful. However, being successful also depends on many other factors such as opportunity. Personality is not the only player in the field. So people with bad personalities dont necessarily become unsuccessful。
What qualities do you think a leader must possess?
Again, as Ive just said, leadership is all about influence. Thats number one. Besides that, there are still many other qualities in the making of a great leader, such as integrity, priority, vision, communication, etc。
How might future leaders differ from the leaders of today?
Since the perception of leadership is gradually shifting from personal charisma and abilities to a council group working together as an executive body, future leaders are going to be less leader-like in todays sense, but more of symbolic figures。
Tell me about a leader that you admire
You should say:
Who he/she is
How you get to know him/her
What he/she has done
And explain why you admire him/her。
Today I am going to talk about a great leader in sportsMichael Jordan. He is so famous that he is almost known by every young people in China. I first heard this name when I was in high-school. At that time, he led his team and took the throne of the NBA national championship for the fifth time。
I admire him not only because he is great, but also because Ive learned a lot from him. First, he is a great team leader, team person. Ive learned from him that to be truly successful in my life, I need to build a strong team, draw on its strength, and lead the whole team to a great height. I cant be a long-ranger。
Second, Jordan has shown his great charisma as a leader. People, even his opponents, respect him, admire him. That teaches me that I must become a person that people follow me not because of what I do or have done, but because of who I am。
首先就人物的选择上,相信没有什么问题。考生可以选择大多数自己所熟悉的并且仰慕的政治或体育领袖,如:体育明星Yao Ming, Liu Xiang, David Beckham,政治领袖 Chairman Mao, Abraham Lincoln等。不过选择考官熟悉的正面人物这样一般性的原则还是要遵守的。如果考生说自己喜爱的领袖是希特勒或者萨达姆,热爱和平的人们的反应是可想而知的。另外如果是女性考生,可以考虑选择一位女性领导或明星,如:我们国家的副总理吴仪,或美国国务卿莱斯。
在此,我推荐使用昵称法。以吴仪为例,因其作为卫生部部长期间的坚毅不拔与非典作斗争的精神,我们可以亲切地称呼她为Ms. Determination。同时她也在人们心中留下了深刻的印象,成为一个时代女性的象征。
The boss drives his workers; the leader coaches them。
The boss depends upon authority; the leader on goodwill。
The boss inspires fear; the leader inspires enthusiasm。
The boss says I the leader, we。
The boss fixes the blame for the breakdown; the leader fixes the breakdown。
The boss knows how it is done; the leader shows how。
The boss says go the leader says lets go!
Why do societies need leaders?
Basically each society is full of institutions such as government, school, hospital, and others that need people at the top to lead and make decisions。
Is success related to personality?
Yes and no. First, I have to acknowledge that it is easier for people of some personality types to become successful. For example, a well-organized person tends to have very good time and resources management and thus often becomes successful. However, being successful also depends on many other factors such as opportunity. Personality is not the only player in the field. So people with bad personalities dont necessarily become unsuccessful。
What qualities do you think a leader must possess?
Again, as Ive just said, leadership is all about influence. Thats number one. Besides that, there are still many other qualities in the making of a great leader, such as integrity, priority, vision, communication, etc。
How might future leaders differ from the leaders of today?
Since the perception of leadership is gradually shifting from personal charisma and abilities to a council group working together as an executive body, future leaders are going to be less leader-like in todays sense, but more of symbolic figures。