To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Discuss both sides and give your own opinion。
What is your opinion?
What are the benefits and disadvantages? / Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?
What are the reasons, effects or solutions?
那么以上提及的5小类提问方式到底该如何一一应对呢?哪些是出现几率更高一些的呢?哪些又是十分容易出错的呢?这一系列的问题都需要及时得以解决。在本系列文章中,笔者将以雅思考试的经典方向标作品剑桥系列书籍Cambridge IELTS 4-7中考官给出的Sample Answer 和Model Answer为参考范本对各个话题及应对方式进行具体详尽的讲解和分析。
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
此提问方式可以说是雅思议论文的典型代表提法,正如其他所有的英语语言考试一样,雅思也有自己独特的代表。因此,要想准备好雅思的题型,首先应该掌握的就是Do you agree or disagree的回答。此类提问方式在我们剑桥系列4-7共16题中出现3次,约为20%之多,分别出现于Cambridge IELTS4 Test3, IELTS5 Test1 及IELTS6 Test1。那么,对于如此重要的提问方式,我们该如何进行回答,文章的段落安排又该如何?
Cambridge IELTS4 Test3有关是否该给有创造力的艺术家足够的自由一题中,考官给出了一篇打分为7分的Sample Answer;该考生直接在开头段就表明了自己的观点:I agree with the statement that there should be no government restriction on creative artists who express themselves in the way they do并且在接下来的其余3个段落中分别就这一观点进行了充分的论证,全文共分4段结构。考官的评语中出现的第一句话就是:This answer considers the main issues raised by the question and presents a definite opinion about the statement. 由此我们也不难发现,考官在批阅卷子时对于是否直接正面回答提问是看的相当重要的。
而对于Cambridge IELTS6 Test1有关广告的文章,考官更是给出了打分为7.5分的Sample Answer。但是不同于前面一篇的是,此次考生并没有在开头段直接提出自己的看法,而是以更客观公正的角度叙述着自己的观点,首先在开头段就他人的看法提出This argument may be true. 然后在主体第一段证明人们购买东西会受到广告的影响,而在下一段则提到on the other hand, there are various aspects against these arguments. 最后结尾段落正面摆出自己的观点:It is fairly difficult to say everyone is swayed by advertising and buy goods impulsively 若粗略一看,我们的确不能像之前那篇文章一样直接点出作者的观点,但是却不难理解他的看法。而考官的评语中第一段话为:The way in which the candidate has responded to the task is a strong point of this script. It is a well-developed answer that addresses the issues relevantly and at length. The writer introduces the topic, examines both sides of the argument and expresses a clear position. 相信看完此段评论我们不难理解考官为何会将此篇文章当作范文参考,毕竟此类回答方式有其可取之处。
Discuss both sides and give your own opinion。
此类提问的题目中必然会有双方观点。可能是正反方,观点完全对立,如:2009年1月10日考题Some people believe that the range of technology available to individuals today is increasing the gap between the poor people and the rich people, while some others say this has an opposite effect. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 也可能只是对于某一话题的不同看法意见而已,如2010年2月11日考题Some people think that politicians have the greatest influence on the world. Other people, however, believe that scientists have the greatest influence. Discuss both of views and give your opinion. 但是不论是何种对立观点,在回答此类题目时基本要把握的是考生必须在同一篇文章里面同时出现这双方的观点并进行适当的讨论,同时也绝不能忘记提问中的后一半问题give your own opinion,也就是说全文完成后应该要有包括自己观点在内的3方人的看法和意见。
当然此类Discuss both of views and give your opinion在最近几年里的上升速度和出镜次数是远远盖过了雅思的典型提问方式Do you agree or disagree,在剑桥系列4-7的16次题目中有6次是讨论双方的题目,分别是Cambridge IELTS5 Test3, IELTS6 Test2, IELTS6 Test3, IELTS6 Test4, IELTS7 Test1, IELTS7 Test2. 那么到底该如何在短短的250个字内安排好3方人的看法呢?考试时若碰到此类问法,我们又该用什么样的回答结构来应对呢?还是以剑桥系列考官所给范文为例,我们分析如下:
Cambridge IELTS5 Test3有关竞争与合作的题目中,考官最后给出的参考范文是得分为6分的学生作文,文章共分成4段,结尾段是阐述自己观点和理由的段落,而中间两段分别介绍双方的看法,但是两个段落明显存在长短详略,所以考官给出的评语中有这么一句话:Although the answer considers the main issues in the question, it deals much more with the aspect of competition than it does with cooperation However, the main points are relevant and the writers point of view is generally clear. 这篇文章也正好提醒我们的考生在完成此类文章时一定要注意在分析双方看法时不要有明显的字数差距。
我们再看一例Cambridge IELTS6 Test2有关体育明星高收入是否公平的题目回答,考官给出了一篇Model Answer,我们可以清楚的看到全文的4个段落的框架分法,开头和结尾段字数略少,并未在开头段直接亮明自己的观点和看法,相反的是留到结尾段才首次提出Personally, I think the amount of money such sports stars make is more justified than the huge earnings of movie stars, but at the same time, it indicates that our society places more value on sport than on more essential professions and achievements.
主体两段字数比较接近,分别论证双方不同的看法,但是这篇考官范文也明确解答了不少考生的疑惑,就是在讨论双方的时候该以何种姿态来写,赞同还是批判?在此文中考官更推荐的是尽管未在开头段给出自己的观点,但是在论证双方看法时却有明显表露出自己的看法,因为在证明有人认为不公平时,考官除了提出他们的看法外,更是直接用However提出这些看法的错误性Many people find their rewards unfair, especially when comparing these super salaries with those of top surgeons or research scientists However, sports salaries are not determined by considering the contribution to society a person makes, or the level of responsibility he or she holds So the notion of fairness is not the issue. 而在下一段证明另一方,也是考官赞同的一方时,却并未出现如此的辩驳。
由此可以看出,各位考生在回答此类文章时该采取何种姿态。当然我们在考官给出的Cambridge IELTS6 Test4有关改变的题目回答中也能再次得到证明此种回答方式的科学性。考官的观点不像上篇是偏向某一方的,而是认为双方都有可取和不全面的地方,所以在4段论证过程中,考官对主体讨论他人看法时都同样地表达出了他们看法的片面性,出现类似Even when people believe they are resisting change themselves, they cannot stop the world around them from changing。以及However, reaching the conclusion that change is inevitable is not the same as assuming that change is always for the better. 最后在结尾段概括自己观点时,考官就给出了一个更为客观全面的观点,认为改变有时是有好处的,但是并不是所有的改变都会有好结果。
在本系列文章上篇中,雅思写作最常见的两种提问方式 To what extent do you agree or disagree? Discuss both sides and give your own opinion及它们的应对方法已经得到了深刻的剖析;那么在本篇论文中,将就雅思大作文剩余的三种提问方式 What is your opinion? What are the benefits and disadvantages? / Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages? What are the reasons, effects or solutions? 应该如何回答论证进行仔细的解答。
本系列文章中,笔者仍然以雅思考试最经典的方向标作品剑桥系列书籍Cambridge IELTS 1-8中考官给出的Sample Answer 和Model Answer为参考范本对各个话题及应对方式进行具体详尽的讲解和分析。
What is your opinion?
此种提问方式属于雅思写作几种提问中最开放、最自由的提问;考生只需就题目中出现的某个话题或是看法发表自己的相关意见,而不用纠结是否完全赞同还是反对。也可以说这种提问是我们常见的To what extent do you agree or disagree的变式提法,只要你的回答是围绕着题目走,而未偏题的答案都可以接受。以对班级规模大小的题目为例,some people think larger class size is a good choice while others argue that small class teaching is better. 若是提问What is your opinion的话,则可以有以下多种回答:认为大班好;认为小班好;认为大班小班都好;认为班级规模大小要取决于学生的年龄段或是具体的科目;认为大班小班都不好而中班好等。
那么此类提法是考生在考试过程中需要特别注意的吗?事实上就我们出现的真题及剑桥书籍来看,并不是十分常见的。就目前市面上的Cambridge IELTS 1-8的考题来看,一共出现过2次此类提问的考题,分别为Cambridge IELTS3 Test3和Cambridge IELTS7 Test4的两题。当然这也并不能说明它不重要,而恰恰相反的是它十分重要,因为真正掌握了这种提问方式,对于考生更好地了解赞同与否的题目有极大的帮助。
Cambridge IELTS3 Test3:In many countries children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this as completely wrong, while others consider it as valuable work experience, important for learning and taking responsibility. What are your opinions on this? 对于这道有关孩子的paid work的问题,我们可以就考官给出的Model Answer来进行具体的分析并且掌握回答的方式及布局。通读全文后,我们不难发现,考官并未像之前看的赞同题那样直接在开头段给出明确的答复,而是认为It is difficult to say who has the right to judge whether children working is wrong or valuable. Opinions will also differ as to learning benefits. 并且在接下去的一个段落中进行了论证,提出了一些wrong和less learning的证明:It is an unfortunate fact that many employers may prefer to use the services of children simply to save money. 而在主体第二段中提到有些work的valuable:in many countries children work because their families need the additional income, no matter how small. 而在最后一段又提及建议part-time jobs or doing tasks around the family home。
What are the benefits and disadvantages?
优缺题在雅思写作中一般有3种提法: Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages,如2010.11.27考题:In some countries, small town-centre shops are going out of business because people tend to drive to large out-of-town stores. As a result, people without cars have limited access to out-of town stores, and it may result in an increase in the use of cars. Do you think the disadvantages of this change outweigh its advantages? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Is this a positive or negative development,如2010年10月14日考题:In some countries, it is illegal for companies to reject job applicant for their age. Is this a positive or negative development? 建议各位考生在回答时一定要仔细审题,绝不可以想当然地随意套用。
以考官在剑5中给出的参考范文为例,就优缺题进行分析:In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this. 题目中明确提出了要求讨论优点和缺点,那么自然文章段落安排应该是4段,优缺点各一段。考官在优点段落中提到:They tend to be more independent, which is a very important factor in academic study and research, as well as giving them an advantage in terms of coping with the challenges of student life. 而在缺点段第一句话就提到:However, there are certainly dangers in taking time off at that important age. 更值得注意的是对于此类题目,不仅分析优缺两方面,考官还在结尾段落中明确给出了自己的看法:My view is that young people should be encouraged to 考生在完成类似提问时自然也可以学习这种写法,让全文更客观公正。
What are the reasons, effects or solutions?
尽管相比较之前出现的几种辨证型的题目来说分析解决型题目相对出现几率不那么高,但是我们也决不可小觑了它的重要性,尤其是最近几年明显更为常见了,在Cambridge IELTS1,4,5,7,8中都有不少考题的分析。一般说来,分析解决型因为提问十分明显,所以考生在回答时难度也并不会特别大,甚至不少辩证性的题目若换成分析解决提问,难度都会明显下降,如2010年1月23日考题:The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming much wider, the rich more richer, the poor even more poorer. What problems can the situation cause and give the solutions? 这一题目本来是有关贫富差距的社会类话题,之前在2009年出现过讨论双方的提问方式时难倒了一大片考生,而此时的分析问题和解决方案就容易解决了。
但值得注意的是,在最近几年里出题的难度明显有所提升,甚至比某些辨证型的文章难度更大,如:Many people believe that today there is a general increase in anti-social behaviour and lack of respect for others. What might have caused this situation? How to improve it? 这个题目之所以难,倒不是在于提问而是因为题中出现了anti-social behaviour这个考生所不能准确找到社会现象对应的词。反社会行为,其实是一种越轨行为,有时候还是违法犯罪行为,主要指为了个人或少数人的利益而违背社会公认的行为规范,并因此对他人和社会造成损害乃至严重破坏的行为,因为施暴者和施暴对象没有明显的目标关系,这就有点滥杀无辜的意味,对社会而言会产生强烈的不安全感。因此也在此建议各位考生绝对不要在准备考试过程中一味地注重常见话题,而应更多留心社会类考题,尤其是其中出现的一些专业术语的理解。
那么除了在审题这一步要特别仔细以免丢了冤枉分之外,到底该如何回答安排此类分析解决型文章呢?接下来我们就以考官范文为参考进行仔细的分析。如Cambridge IELTS4 Test2: Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness? 既然题目中出现了2个提问,那么在回答时自然也要一一对应回答,而不能忽略了其中某一个。所以考官给出的参考范文一共有5个段落,主体第一段说明原因,第一句话就点明:Because people interpret happiness for themselves in so many different ways, it is difficult to give any definition that is true for everyone. 第二段提出重要因素Of course, factors such as loving relationships, good health, the skills to earn a living and a peaceful environment all contribute to our happiness too. 主体第三段融入了自己的看法I think an ability to keep clear perspectives in life is a more essential factor in achieving happiness. 从这篇考官范文中我们不难发现,对于此类文章只要能做到一一对应,不要漏题即可轻松拿下,若能加入自己看法自然是更好。
另外我们再以Cambridge IELTS8 Test2的题目为例,就考官给出的一篇5.5分的范文进行分析:考官对于该学生范文的评语中明确写到This answer addresses both questions, but the first is not well covered in terms of how actual relationships have changed. Nevertheless, there is a clear opinion that the effects have been positive and relationships have improved, with some relevant ideas to support this. 这篇范文分析也十分明确地告诉我们,在回答此类题目时切记要回答到位,而且字数一定要满足题目的要求。