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Earth is in trouble. Some animals and plants are now disappearing. S , such as tigers.
However Today, however, the tigers are becoming die dyingout, because people are killing them. Animals are our friends,so we can mustprotect them.We do not need to do big things something big--we can say to just tell people Dont killing tiger. If people can do this,I think the animals will live better.
Thia is ourEarth.Lets do our best to make it more beautiful.
本文对保护老虎发表了自己的看法,立意较好。结构上基本符合总-分-总的形式,套路是正确的。以Earth is in trouble.开篇,简洁有力,让人眼前一亮。只是中间的内容显得不够充实,并希望注意表达更地道一些。
Jack 张
批改老师:Jack 张
Jack张,(查看Jack张老师介绍 课堂实拍),老师人称杰克船长(Captain Jack),毕业于北京大学,有独特的英语学习方法和备考参考技巧。张老师上课非常有激情,善于调动课堂的气氛和学生的积极性,有极强的责任感。所教导的学生无不成绩大幅提高,并真正爱上了英语学习。