E度英语网专稿 未经允许不得转载
Everyone has their owe(own) fridens ,somebody has a lot of friendswhile others have a few.But everyone has at least one friend.On(no) one is alone.
Making fridens is an easy thing but finding a good friden(friend) is not easy.A good friden(friend),who must be a sincere person and(who)we can trust each other.
Fridenship isveryimportant for us because we can share happiness and sorrowis with fridens.If you have some problems and you can ask for help from them,you can talk it and take some advices from your friends.
And if you have some happy things you can tell them ,they must be happy too.
郝月菲,(查看郝月菲老师介绍) 英文名Hazel(被学生戏称为黑狗老师)英语专业八级,功底深厚,发音纯正,美式口语地道。毕业于北师大二附中的郝老师非常了解京城中学学生英语学习需 求,信奉实用趣味励志的英语教育理念,坚持以兴趣为主导,不断挖掘学生对于英语的热情。郝老师拥有非凡的个人魅力,幽默风趣的授课风格总能让 原本枯燥无味的英语变得趣味横生。