E度英语网专稿 未经允许不得转载
My family have three people There are three people in my family, my father and , mother and me.We all like surfing interent.For instance,My father likes reading books on the internet.My mother likes watching movies on the internet.And I like playing computer games .Because of this ,My father always fights with me beats me(fight with me表示和我打架,不太适合用在父亲打儿子,当然如果你家确实是这种情况的话,也可以).What should I do??
本文讲述家庭对于上网的一点小矛盾,表达比较清晰。能使用一些较高级的词汇如for instance,但一些基本的语法还是要注意。继续加油!
Jack 张
批改老师:Jack 张
Jack张,(查看Jack张老师介绍 课堂实拍),老师人称杰克船长(Captain Jack),毕业于北京大学,有独特的英语学习方法和备考参考技巧。张老师上课非常有激情,善于调动课堂的气氛和学生的积极性,有极强的责任感。所教导的学生无不成绩大幅提高,并真正爱上了英语学习。