tractable: 易驾驭的; easily led, trained, or controlled; easily handled; malleable
1) easily controlled or guided
2) easily managed
3) easily managed
Syn: docile, submissive, yielding; malleable
tractable difficult to control, incorrigible, obdurate, headstrong, obstinate, balky, willfull, pertinacious, intransigent
complaisance : intractable
tractable : lead
tractable : controlled
tame : tractable
tractable : control
He has a tractable dog that learns tricks easily.
The boat was so lightweight it was tractable by one person.
Having a tractable staff made her job a lot easier.
tractable insubordinate=intransigent=recalcitrant
complaisance : intractable = adeptness : maladroit 柔顺不是倔强的=老练不是笨拙的
subtle : overlook = tractable : lead 微妙的容易忽略=温顺的容易领导
tractable : controlled = credulous : convinced
tractable : control = testy : annoy 温顺的容易被控制=易怒的容易被使苦恼
tractable: 易驾驭的; easily led, trained, or controlled; easily handled; malleable
1) easily controlled or guided
2) easily managed
3) easily managed
Syn: docile, submissive, yielding; malleable
tractable difficult to control, incorrigible, obdurate, headstrong, obstinate, balky, willfull, pertinacious, intransigent
complaisance : intractable
tractable : lead
tractable : controlled
tame : tractable
tractable : control
He has a tractable dog that learns tricks easily.
The boat was so lightweight it was tractable by one person.
Having a tractable staff made her job a lot easier.
tractable insubordinate=intransigent=recalcitrant
complaisance : intractable = adeptness : maladroit 柔顺不是倔强的=老练不是笨拙的
subtle : overlook = tractable : lead 微妙的容易忽略=温顺的容易领导
tractable : controlled = credulous : convinced
tractable : control = testy : annoy 温顺的容易被控制=易怒的容易被使苦恼