endemic: characteristic of or prevalent in a group of people or region
1) native to a particular area; constantly present in a particular country or locality; epidemic
The Joshua tree is endemic to the Mojave Desert; it grows nowhere else.
The endemic fauna was of great interest to the anthropologist.
A fast-paced style is endemic to those who live in New York City.
Synonyms: aboriginal, local, regional
endemic ---- native to or confined to a certain region
endemic ---- characteristic of a region or people
endemic ----- characteristic of or often found in a particular locality, region, or people
endemic ----- natural to or characteristic of a specific people or place
Endemic ----- belonging to a particular area; inherrent t
endemic -----inherent; belonging to an area. Malaria, once endemic to the area, has now been largely eradicated.
endemic---prevalent in or native to a certain region, locality, or people: The disease was endemic to the region. Dont confuse this word with epidemic.
endemic epidemic
endemic: characteristic of or prevalent in a group of people or region
1) native to a particular area; constantly present in a particular country or locality; epidemic
The Joshua tree is endemic to the Mojave Desert; it grows nowhere else.
The endemic fauna was of great interest to the anthropologist.
A fast-paced style is endemic to those who live in New York City.
Synonyms: aboriginal, local, regional
endemic ---- native to or confined to a certain region
endemic ---- characteristic of a region or people
endemic ----- characteristic of or often found in a particular locality, region, or people
endemic ----- natural to or characteristic of a specific people or place
Endemic ----- belonging to a particular area; inherrent t
endemic -----inherent; belonging to an area. Malaria, once endemic to the area, has now been largely eradicated.
endemic---prevalent in or native to a certain region, locality, or people: The disease was endemic to the region. Dont confuse this word with epidemic.
endemic epidemic