1 拿几片范文,找几句比较有代表性的结构型句子,拼凑出一个你自己顺手的框架即可。不用到处找,也不用找很多,一个框架即可,当然,准备一些可以替换的词:比如recommendation替换conclusion.。
2 GMAT作文找出主要的错误类型,每种写出一道两句经典的表述即可。
3 将考时分段:一)12-15分钟,写出完整的第一段,三个征文段的topic sentence,和完整的末段。写第一段的同时就构思topicsentence,末段无非是重复结论和三句topic。这样的好处是结构已经完整了,你不用慌了。。二)13-10分钟,完成三段正文。我以前觉得这个很困难,后来想通了。无非是把这层意思说清楚就行。3句话就够了。也够长了。三)5分钟check.还一个作用时,是在前面没有完成,还有一个buffer,也不至于弹尽粮绝。
4 紧急应对:万一时间不够,首段就抄原句;如果时间还不够,末段就cut-paste首段和topic 的文本,稍加修改即可。这样,结构是完整的。
The recommendation endorsed in the argument is that .... The author employs several lines of reasoning to reach this conclusion. In the first place, the author reasons that .... Furthermore, the author reasons that .... At first glance, the authors argument appears to be somewhat convincing, but further reflection reveals that it is based on some dubious assumptions.
In summary, the conclusion reached in the argument is both invalid and misleading. To persuade me that ..., the author would need to provide clear evidence that ... and that.... In addition, to better evaluate the author s claim we would need more information .... Only with these more convincing evidence and proper information could this argument become more than just an emotional appeal.
1 拿几片范文,找几句比较有代表性的结构型句子,拼凑出一个你自己顺手的框架即可。不用到处找,也不用找很多,一个框架即可,当然,准备一些可以替换的词:比如recommendation替换conclusion.。
2 GMAT作文找出主要的错误类型,每种写出一道两句经典的表述即可。
3 将考时分段:一)12-15分钟,写出完整的第一段,三个征文段的topic sentence,和完整的末段。写第一段的同时就构思topicsentence,末段无非是重复结论和三句topic。这样的好处是结构已经完整了,你不用慌了。。二)13-10分钟,完成三段正文。我以前觉得这个很困难,后来想通了。无非是把这层意思说清楚就行。3句话就够了。也够长了。三)5分钟check.还一个作用时,是在前面没有完成,还有一个buffer,也不至于弹尽粮绝。
4 紧急应对:万一时间不够,首段就抄原句;如果时间还不够,末段就cut-paste首段和topic 的文本,稍加修改即可。这样,结构是完整的。
The recommendation endorsed in the argument is that .... The author employs several lines of reasoning to reach this conclusion. In the first place, the author reasons that .... Furthermore, the author reasons that .... At first glance, the authors argument appears to be somewhat convincing, but further reflection reveals that it is based on some dubious assumptions.
In summary, the conclusion reached in the argument is both invalid and misleading. To persuade me that ..., the author would need to provide clear evidence that ... and that.... In addition, to better evaluate the author s claim we would need more information .... Only with these more convincing evidence and proper information could this argument become more than just an emotional appeal.