第8课:悲伤的 - 11
A: You have got the thinnest dog I ever saw! Has he always looked like that?
B: No, only in the last month. Ever since our cat died, the dog has been too sad to eat.
A: 你的这条狗是我见过的最瘦的狗!它一直这样吗?
B: 不,是从上个月开始的。我们家的猫死后,他就很忧伤,不愿意吃东西。
A: Have you got a job yet?
B: Not yet. I was very optimistic and hopeful when I started looking six months ago. But now that I have had 200 interviews, and nobody has called back, I’m pretty downhearted.
A: 你找到工作了吗?
B: 还没呢。半年前我开始找工作的时候踌躇满志、满怀希望。现在我已经面试了200次,却没有人给我回音,我心灰意冷了。
thin: 瘦的;单薄的。
ever since: 从……至今。
sad: 在口语中常用来形容某人情绪低落、心情沮丧,以至于没有做通常会做的事情的心情或精力。
optimistic: 乐观的。
interview: 面试,采访。
call back: 回电话。
downhearted: 垂头丧气的,消沉的。