英文名著精选阅读:《小妇人》第二章:圣诞快乐 第7节
A poor, bare, miserable room it was, with broken windows, no fire,raggedbedclothes, a sick mother, wailing baby, and a group of pale, hungry children cuddled under one oldquilt, trying to keep warm.
How the big eyes stared and the blue lips smiled as the girls went in.
"Ach, mein Gott! It is good angels come to us!" said the poor woman, crying for joy.
"Funny angels in hoods andmittens," said Jo, and set them to laughing.
In a few minutes it really did seem as if kind spirits had been at work there. Hannah, who had carried wood, made a fire, and stopped up the broken panes with old hats and her own cloak. Mrs. March gave the mother tea andgruel, and comforted her with promises of help, while she dressed the little baby as tenderly as if it had been her own. The girls meantime spread the table, set the children round the fire, and fed them like so many hungry birds, laughing, talking, and trying to understand the funny broken English.
"Das ist gut!" "Die Engel-kinder!" cried the poor things as they ate and warmed their purple hands at the comfortable blaze. The girls had never been called angel children before, and thought it very agreeable, especially Jo, who had been considered a 'Sancho' ever since she was born. That was a very happy breakfast, though they didn't get any of it. And when they went away, leaving comfort behind, I think there were not in all the city four merrier people than the hungry little girls who gave away their breakfasts andcontentedthemselves with bread and milk on Christmas morning.
“真系(是)好!“这些天使好心人!这班可怜的孩子边吃边把发紫的小手伸到温暖的火炉边暖和着。 姑娘们还是第一次被人称作小天使,觉得非常惬意,尤其是乔,她自打娘胎生下来就被大家当作"桑丘",因此更加得意。虽然她们没有吃上一口早餐,心里却感到无比的舒畅。当这四个饥肠辘辘的小姑娘把温暖留给别人,走在回家的路上时,我想合城里再没人能比她们更幸福了。她们在圣诞节早上把最好的早餐送给穷人,自己却宁愿吃面包和牛奶。
1.ragged ['r gid] adj. 衣衫褴褛的, 粗糙的, 刺耳的
The poor boy was ashamed of his ragged cloths.
2.quilt [kwilt] n. 被子,被状物 vt. 缝被, 缝制, 用垫料填塞 vi. 制作被子, 做缝制工作
He bought a heavy quilt for the winter.
3.mitten ['mitn] n. 连指手套, 露指手套
I have a pair of leather mittens.
4.gruel n. 稀粥
My parents like eating gruel.
5.content n. 内容, 目录, 含量 adj. 满足的, 满意的 vt. 使...满足, 使...安心
We can't go abroad this year, so we'll have to content ourselves with a holiday in Shanghai.
今年我们不能出国, 所以只能去上海度假了。
英文名著精选阅读:《小妇人》第二章:圣诞快乐 第7节
A poor, bare, miserable room it was, with broken windows, no fire,raggedbedclothes, a sick mother, wailing baby, and a group of pale, hungry children cuddled under one oldquilt, trying to keep warm.
How the big eyes stared and the blue lips smiled as the girls went in.
"Ach, mein Gott! It is good angels come to us!" said the poor woman, crying for joy.
"Funny angels in hoods andmittens," said Jo, and set them to laughing.
In a few minutes it really did seem as if kind spirits had been at work there. Hannah, who had carried wood, made a fire, and stopped up the broken panes with old hats and her own cloak. Mrs. March gave the mother tea andgruel, and comforted her with promises of help, while she dressed the little baby as tenderly as if it had been her own. The girls meantime spread the table, set the children round the fire, and fed them like so many hungry birds, laughing, talking, and trying to understand the funny broken English.
"Das ist gut!" "Die Engel-kinder!" cried the poor things as they ate and warmed their purple hands at the comfortable blaze. The girls had never been called angel children before, and thought it very agreeable, especially Jo, who had been considered a 'Sancho' ever since she was born. That was a very happy breakfast, though they didn't get any of it. And when they went away, leaving comfort behind, I think there were not in all the city four merrier people than the hungry little girls who gave away their breakfasts andcontentedthemselves with bread and milk on Christmas morning.
“真系(是)好!“这些天使好心人!这班可怜的孩子边吃边把发紫的小手伸到温暖的火炉边暖和着。 姑娘们还是第一次被人称作小天使,觉得非常惬意,尤其是乔,她自打娘胎生下来就被大家当作"桑丘",因此更加得意。虽然她们没有吃上一口早餐,心里却感到无比的舒畅。当这四个饥肠辘辘的小姑娘把温暖留给别人,走在回家的路上时,我想合城里再没人能比她们更幸福了。她们在圣诞节早上把最好的早餐送给穷人,自己却宁愿吃面包和牛奶。
1.ragged ['r gid] adj. 衣衫褴褛的, 粗糙的, 刺耳的
The poor boy was ashamed of his ragged cloths.
2.quilt [kwilt] n. 被子,被状物 vt. 缝被, 缝制, 用垫料填塞 vi. 制作被子, 做缝制工作
He bought a heavy quilt for the winter.
3.mitten ['mitn] n. 连指手套, 露指手套
I have a pair of leather mittens.
4.gruel n. 稀粥
My parents like eating gruel.
5.content n. 内容, 目录, 含量 adj. 满足的, 满意的 vt. 使...满足, 使...安心
We can't go abroad this year, so we'll have to content ourselves with a holiday in Shanghai.
今年我们不能出国, 所以只能去上海度假了。