英语名词短语?英语名词短语如下:1、a arm of workmen/ assistants/ unemployed men 2、a group/ crowd/ throng/ multitude/ concourse 3、a gang of workers/ slaves 4、那么,英语名词短语?一起来了解一下吧。
the college students ,students 是中心词,the tall boy sitting in the corner,boy 是中心词.副词并逗性短语就是副词词组,它是以 副词为中心词的词组和短语.如:He spoke loudly and clearly ,这里loudly and clearly是中心词;Be a man .Don't act so lowly .这里so lowly 是中心词.
而I live in the house ,这里in the house做的是介词短语,以介词为中心词,live 做的是做I 的谓语,它是动词.I want the house .在这渗缺里 want做的是谓语,是动词,而the house做的 是want的宾语,那么这里可丛蔽辩以叫它为动词词组,以动词为中心词.
The disabled woman was left out of the trip.
She was waiting for the bus to arrive.
Walking in a thorny bush can be stressful.
I moved to the city to work on a government project.
He planned protests to send a message to the authorities.
I moved to the city to work on a government project.
He planned protests to send a message to the authorities.
你最先学习到的英语 短语 是动词,还是名词呢?下面就由我为大家带来英语名词短语搭配,希望大家能有所收获。
常见Fish英语名词短语搭配1. a shoal of herrings
2. a school of whales/fish/dolphins
3. a run of whales
4. a troop of whales
常见Insects英语名词短凳喊乱语搭配1. a colony of ants
2. a cluster of bees/butterflies/
3. a nest of ants/swarms/bees/flies/locusts/
4. a flight of locusts
5. a cloud of locusts
6. a hive of bees
7. a swarm of bees/locusts/ants/flies/insects/
渗手8. a colleague of bees
常见Things英语名词短语搭配1. a bag of candy/money/groceries
2. a ball of fire/wool/string/paper
3. a bale of alfalfa/cotton/hay/paper
4. a bar of chocolate/iron/gold/soap/light/
5. a batch of bread/goods/caps/documents/books/letters/bread
6. a belt of trees
7. a block of ice/marble/wood
8. a bouquet of flowers
9. a bowl/sack of rice
10. a box of chocolate/biscuits /matches/chocolates
11. a bucket of milk/water/gasoline/
12. a bunch of grapes/keys/flowers/straw/chopsticks/dried noodles/bananas
13. a bundle of hay/sticks/shirts/firewood/straw/sticks/newspapers/magazines/ clothes a burst of flames/tears/blood/energy/strength/sobbing/laughter/applause/energy/ sympathy/smoke/hail/thunder/gunfire/bomb
14. a cake of soap/ice/clay/mud/tobacco
15. a can of fish/oil/fruit/beer/tomatoes
16. a case of pins/pencils/soda/Chinese porcelain/preserved apricots
枣档17. a cask of wine/beer/honey
18. a chain of mountains/events/strikes/thoughts/errors
19. a chest of drawers
20. a cloud of smoke
21. a clump of trees/bushes/grasses/lilac/
22. a cluster of houses/buildings/flowers/grapes/stars/grass/curls
23. a clutch of eggs
24. a coat of sugar/was/dust/ice/dirt/paint/
25. a collection of stamps/specimens/essays
26. a colligation of relics/curiosities
27. a couple of days
28. a cloud of dust/smoke/blood
29. a cup of tea/milk/sugar
30. a drop of oil/water/blood/rain/tear/dew/sweat
31. a field of snow/corn/ice/rice/wheat
32. a fit of pain/coughing/dizziness/rage/energy/madness/temper/despair/
33. a fleet of cars/ships/craft/buses/taxis/trucks/planes
34. a flight of steps/stairs/airplanes/arrow/imagination/fancy
35. a flood of rain/light/tears/anger
36. a galaxy of stars
37. a glass of beer/water/milk
38. a grain of salt/rice/sand/gold/wheat
39. a grove of trees
40. a gush of flood/water/oil/heat/enthusiasm/interest/laughter/anger
41. a gust of wind/rain/smoke/fire/rage
42. a hail of curse/blows/bullets/stones
43. a handful of earth/rice/candy/seeds/peanuts/beans/sand
44. a heap of stones/sand/snow/rubbish/stone/earth/manure/building material a host of activities
45. a huddle of houses
46. a kind of matter/fruit/power/tea/
47. a layer of rock/bricks/clay/raw coal/stone/sand/paint/dust/snow/clouds a line of people/trees/chairs/houses/desks
48. a load of cargo/vegetables/grave/wood/hay/fuel/sand
49. a loaf of bread
50. a lump of sugar/clay/bread/gold/lead
51. a mass of snow/stone/letters/ice/dough/ore/earth/clouds/colour/sand/ trees/green a mountain of debts/letters/problems/products/records
52. a mouthful of water/soup/bread/fresh air/
53. a nest of beakers
54. a pang of headache/toothache/hunger
55. a pail of water/milk
56. a pair of vases/ear-rings/pillows/sofas/dancers/gloves/braces/glasses/ compasses a pack (packet) of cards/lies/troubles/cars/artillery/tea/sesame/strawberries needles/sweets/medicine powder/cigarettes
57. a package of cigarettes/towels/razor blades
58. a patch of ground/grass garden/plastic/earth/cloud/sunlight
59. a peal of bells
60. a period of good time/history/wonderful youth
61. a piece of paper/news/advice/furniture/meat/butter/bread/cloth/
62. music/steel/land/wood/coal/log/board/thread/evidence/leather/ice /glass/water/ a pile of clothes/stones/books/letters/logs/bricks/grass/grain/newspaper/ papers a pinch of salt/soda/sesames
63. a pipe of crude petroleum/vegetable oil
64. a plate of fruit/fish/beef/meat
65. a puff of wind/hot air/vapor/dust/wet steam/smoke/wool/breeze
66. a pound of beef
67. a pot of water/candy/beans/jam
68. a quiver of arrows
69. a range of mountains
70. a roll of film
71. a rope of pearls
72. a row of trees/seats/willows/house/books/soldiers
73. a rush of wind/sympathy/tense work/dizziness/
74. a sea of clouds/soap bubbles/troubles/work/difficulties/flame/blood/cheers/flowers a series of events/experiments/victories/storms/contests/explosions/ earthquakes a set of false
75. teeth/rooms/furniture/works/cards/chess/notebooks/buttons/stamps/plates/ spoons/rules/drawers/bedding/furniture/tools/idea/stories/policies
76. a section of railway/pipe/essay/legend
77. a sack of potatoes/grain/flour/toys/cement/rice
78. a sheet of ice/frost/glass/tin/leather/water/snow
79. a sheaf of grain/wheat/arrows
80. a shoal of facts
名词性短语:指语法功能相当于名词的一类段辩游短语。名词性短语一般可以在句子中充当主语、宾语、握销定语等成分。结构为:前置定语+名词,名词+后置定语,如:the dog这只狗、cute dog可爱的狗、the best answer最好的答案、the boy in the tree树上的那个男孩、a beautiful girl。
一、the dog
读音:英 [ðə dɒɡ] 美 [ðə dɔːɡ]
二、cute dog
读音:英 [kjuːt dɒɡ] 美 [kjuːt dɔːɡ]
三、the best answer
读音:英 [ðə best ˈɑːnsə(r)] 美 [ðə best ˈænsər]
四、the boy in the tree
读音:英 [ðə bɔɪ ɪn ðə triː] 美 [ðə bɔɪ ɪn ðə triː]
1、a arm of workmen/ assistants/ unemployed men
2、a group/ crowd/ throng/ multitude/ concourse
3、a gang of workers/ slaves
4、a mob of thieves/ rioters/ hooligans/ gangsters/ angry women
5、a posse of police
6、a party of soldiers/tourists
7、a band of robbers/ gangsters/ fugitives/ Gypsies/ bandits
8、a bench of scholars/ bishops/ judges
9、a board of directors
10、a gaggle of geese 桐衫芹
11、a group of eagles/ bees
12、a herd of cranes
13、a pride of lions
14、a skulk of foxes
15、a sleuth of bears
以上就是英语名词短语的全部内容,限定词 + 修饰语 + 名词+ 修饰语(介词短语、分词、形容词短语、不定式、定语从句、同位语。名词短语和名词功能一样,可在句子中充当主语,如例①;宾语,如例②;补足语,内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。