香格里拉英语?香格里拉的由来 香格里拉(shangri-la)一词,意为心中的日月,英语发音源于康方言 南路十语群体中甸的藏语方言。"香格里拉”一词早在一千多年以前藏文献资 料中就有记载,那么,香格里拉英语?一起来了解一下吧。
“香格里拉”一词,源于云南迪庆香格里拉香格里拉的藏语方言,意为“心中的日月”,英文写为Shangri_la的汉语音译,英没渣语发间源于康方言南路十语群香格里拉的藏语方言。香格里拉方言读为(香格尼拉),标准藏语读音为(Sem—tsi—ni—da) 。
首先要说明的是香格里拉 (Sems—kji—nyi—zhla) (Sems—kji—nyi—zhla) 的“香”(Sems)字。“香”(Sems)字藏语意义“心”,在现代藏语中,“香”读(Sems)(森),而在香格里拉藏语中保留了古藏语中的拼读方式,读作(香)。
其次是“ 香格里拉 ”的“格” 。(gai)( 格 )在藏语中是作虚词用,它相当于汉语中的结猜察斗构助词“的”,主要功能表示人或事物之间的限制领属关系,在现代藏语中,虚词“的”在不同的语法状态下,其应用方式也有严格的区别穗磨。而在香格里拉藏语中,虚词“的”无论在语句表述中的所属关系如何,均用作(格),所以,“格”在香格里拉藏语中含义就是“的”,例如昂格(我的)、岂格(你的)、科格(他的)。这是香格里拉藏语方言的特点,对此,只有了解香格里拉方言的人,才能识其意。
"Shangri-La" is a mystical, harmonious valley, gently guided from a lamasery, enclosed in the western end of the Kunlun Mountains. Shangri-La has become synonymous with any earthly paradise but particularly a mythical Himalayan utopia — a permanently happy land, isolated from the outside world. In the novel Lost Horizon, the people who live at Shangri-La are almost immortal, living years beyond the normal lifespan and only very slowly aging in appearance. The word also evokes the imagery of exoticism of the Orient. In the ancient Tibetan scriptures, existence of 7 such places are mentioned as Nghe-Beyul Khimpalung. One of such places is mentioned to be situated somewhere in the Makalu-Barun region.
Shangri-la is often used in a similar context to which "Garden of Eden" might be used, to represent an awesome paradise that exists hidden from modern man. It can sometimes be used as an analogy for a life-long quest or something elusive that is much sought. For a man who spends his life obsessively looking for a cure to a disease, such a cure could be said to be that man's "Shangri-La". It also might be used to represent perfection that is sought by man in the form of love, happiness, or Utopian ideals. It may be used in this context alongside other mythical and famous examples of somewhat similar metaphors such as The Holy Grail, El Dorado, The Fountain of Youth, and to an extent "white whale" (referring to the white whale chased by the obsessed Captain Ahab in the book Moby-Dick).
Politically and geographically, the independent and previously-independent nations isolated from the West, such as Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, Tuva, Mongolia, the Tocharian Tushara Kingdom of the Mahābhārata and the Han Dynasty outpost Dunhuang have each been termed Shangri-Las.'
香格里拉的由来 香格里拉(shangri-la)一词,意为心中的日月,英语发音源于康方言 南路十语群体中甸的藏语方言。"香格里拉”一词早在一千多年以前藏文献资 料中就有记载,汉语拼音字母音译转写作"xamgyinyilha”意为"心中的日月 ”。香格里拉一词的含义与中甸县古城藏语地名"尼旺宗”相一致。后业," 香格里拉”这一词汇被小说《失去的地平线》介绍引用后成为一个特有地名。 美籍英国著名作家詹姆斯·希尔顿(1900——1954年)于1933年写成小 说《失去的地平线》一书。书中描扒或写了中国藏区一个香格里拉的地方。 书中描述了这样一个故事,大约在60年前,几个英国人因为一次意外而 来到一个陌生的地方,显然这里是藏区,四面雪山环绕,大峡谷的谷底有金矿 ,在这个似乎与世隔绝的地方,他们受到了极好的接待,在这里时间似乎失去 了意义,他们觉得自己正处在东方文化的神秘核心。随着了解的深入,他们知 道在这里时间确实失去了意义,这里的人们惊人的长寿,在这里多种宗教并存 ,在一个喇嘛寺院中,他们见到了当地的精神领袖——一个活佛,在活佛的影 响下,他们中的一些人被东方文化所折服,他们觉得世界已向他们展开了令人 惊奇和敬畏的一面,在峡谷中人们活得逍遥自在,静静地享受阳光和雪山的赏 赐,却对峡谷的黄金不屑一顾,喇嘛寺领导着整个山谷,形成香格里拉社会, 香格里拉居住着以藏民族为主的居民,他们的信仰和习俗各不相同,有儒教、 道教、佛教等教派,但彼此团结友爱、和睦相处、幸福安康。