雄叔,毕业于上海外国语大学,擅长帮助口语学习者提高口语表达能力。其如native speaker般的口语、略带播音腔的声线、幽默风趣的授课风格深受学员的喜爱。雄叔对美剧、电影等爱不释眼,并且坚信不用出国也能练就地道口语!
1. Are you a procrastinator?
A.At the beginning of every week,you_____
a.always make to-do lists for your calendar.
b.sometimes make to-do lists but you often forget.
c.don't bother with planning and just let things happen.
B.When you need to buy someone a gift,you_____
a.get something right away(immediately)
b.buy something a few days before you have to give it.
c.pick something up on the day you have to give it.
C.When you have something that's broken,you_____
a.immediately take it in to be repaired.
b.wait for convenient time to take it in.
c.never get around to taking it in.
D.Wthen you have a lot of things you need to do,you do _____
a.the hardest things first.
b.the easiest things first.
c.anything but what you need to do.
E.When you need to get something done in a short amount of time,you_____
a.feel motivated to work even harder.
b.feel a little nervous,but you get to work.
c.have a hard time doing it.
F.You _____feel bad when there are things you haven't got done yet.
2. An interesting fact on procrastination.
Procrastination is spending 30 minutes finding a pen and another 10 minutes getting it to work!
Procrastination is making a cup of tea,and another cup of tea!
3. Say no to procrastination!
(1)Just make those ** plans!—be the master of time,not the slave
(2)Learn to refuse!—Say no to distractions
(3)I really appreciate your help!—Learn to accept,learn to relax
(4)I need to get it done immediately!—create urgency
雄叔,毕业于上海外国语大学,擅长帮助口语学习者提高口语表达能力。其如native speaker般的口语、略带播音腔的声线、幽默风趣的授课风格深受学员的喜爱。雄叔对美剧、电影等爱不释眼,并且坚信不用出国也能练就地道口语!
1. Are you a procrastinator?
A.At the beginning of every week,you_____
a.always make to-do lists for your calendar.
b.sometimes make to-do lists but you often forget.
c.don't bother with planning and just let things happen.
B.When you need to buy someone a gift,you_____
a.get something right away(immediately)
b.buy something a few days before you have to give it.
c.pick something up on the day you have to give it.
C.When you have something that's broken,you_____
a.immediately take it in to be repaired.
b.wait for convenient time to take it in.
c.never get around to taking it in.
D.Wthen you have a lot of things you need to do,you do _____
a.the hardest things first.
b.the easiest things first.
c.anything but what you need to do.
E.When you need to get something done in a short amount of time,you_____
a.feel motivated to work even harder.
b.feel a little nervous,but you get to work.
c.have a hard time doing it.
F.You _____feel bad when there are things you haven't got done yet.
2. An interesting fact on procrastination.
Procrastination is spending 30 minutes finding a pen and another 10 minutes getting it to work!
Procrastination is making a cup of tea,and another cup of tea!
3. Say no to procrastination!
(1)Just make those ** plans!—be the master of time,not the slave
(2)Learn to refuse!—Say no to distractions
(3)I really appreciate your help!—Learn to accept,learn to relax
(4)I need to get it done immediately!—create urgency