英语电影鉴赏 英文
He decided to write an exclusive report about the"runaway princess"so as to earn a lot of money.
2 电影一开链拆码始,安迪被控御岁诉谋杀了他出轨的妻子和妻子的情人,并被押送到了肖申克监狱。他真的是真正的杀手吗?(肖申克的救赎)
3 麦琪为什么要从她的婚礼现场逃跑(落跑新娘)棚哪
Chapter 1 History and Genre 电影史与电影类枣知型
Chapter 2 Character and Performance 角色与表演
Chapter 3 Narrative 叙述
Chapter 4 Style 风格简散
Chapter 5 Critical Perspectives 评论凳咐消角度
Chapter 6 Blockbuster Film(The Matrix) 强档片:《骇客帝国》
Chapter 7 Comedy Film(Forrest Gump) 喜剧片:《阿甘正传》
Chapter 8 Social Drama Film(American Beauty) 社会问题片:《美国丽人》
Chapter 9 Action Film(The Bond Films) 动作片:007系列电影
Chapter 10 Film Noir / Neo-Noir(Se7en) 黑色电影与新黑色电影:《七宗罪》
Chapter 11 Romance Film:(The English Patient) 爱情片:《英国病人》
Chapter 12 Gangster Film(The Godfather) 黑帮片:《教父》
Chapter 13 War Film(Apocalypse Now) 战争片:《现代启示录》
Chapter 14 Horror Film(The Shining) 恐怖片:《闪灵》
Chapter 15 Sc
1.1.2.the 2nd stage: Classical Hollywood Cinema( 1920s-1950s)
The period of classical Hollywood cinema is usually taken torun from the early 1920s through to the late 1950s.Sound and color emerged in the period of Classical Hollywood cinema.声音和颜色出现在经典好莱坞电影时期。Sound was first introduced in Don Juan(唐璜) in 1926 by Warner Brother .华纳兄弟悔散公司在―唐璜‖(1926)中第一次使用声音。
From the industrial perspective, the period of Classical Hollywood cinema is characterized by the emergence of the ―studio system‖ and the domination of five major companies (the so-called “Big Five): Warner Brother (华纳兄弟公司), Loew’s-MGM (米高梅公司), Fox(升前空福克斯公司), Paramount (派拉蒙公司) Radio-Keith-Orpheum (RKO雷电华公司).
Alongside the five majors were smaller companies(the “Little Three”): Columbia (哥伦比亚公司) Universal (环球公司) United Artists (联美公司)
In classical Hollywood cinema, some of the main features of the ideology(电影的意识形态) are:Property, enterprise and initiative (财产、吵瞎事业和进取心)are the fundamental American values; American as a Land of Happiness(美国是一片乐土), even if they haven’t yet done so; The ideal female(理想女性)is wife and mother, perfect companion and mainstay of the home. 1.1.3.the 3rd stage: Post-classical Hollywood cinema (1960s--)
Hollywood faced a number of significance challenges from the 1960s onwards. In the New Hollywood period, a new generation of directors(新一代导演) produced a lot of immense films(推出了一系列脍炙人口的作品). Among them, Close Encounters was directed by Steven Spielberg(其中有史蒂文.斯皮尔伯格的“第三类接触”).
1.2.Categorization of Genres(影片类型的分类)
Generally, generic categories are defined on the basis of subject matter(题材), formal properties(形式), style(风格) or affective response(观众的情感反应).
The table gives a schematic overview(纵览,全面的评述) of how this approach might be used to identify genres:
var cpro_psid ="u2572954"; var cpro_pswidth =966; var cpro_psheight =120;
Categorization of GenresGenreDefining Criteria Differentiating CriteriaSocial Drama
Serious social topic
RomanceRomantic relationship between lovers
GangsterGangsters in urban AmericaWar FilmSpecific military conflictsScience FictionFuturistic technologies/future worldsFantasy(奇幻片)
Impossible worlds/fantastical charactersWesternAmerican West
DisasterNatural or man-made catastropheCrimeCriminal activities and investigationEpic(史诗片)
Biblical(有关圣经的) or ancient histrory
Presence of action set-piecesMusical
Presence of song and dance performance
StyleSpectacular events
ComedyIntended to generate laughter
HorrorIntended to horrifyThriller(惊悚片)
Intended to thrill
Subject Matter
Formal Criteria
Affective Response(观众的反应)
1.He made up his mind to write an exclusive about "Runaway Pricess"缺桥 to earn a large amount of money,