For the past 40 years, peace and prosperity have gone hand-in-hand in east Asia. China’s astonishing transformation since 1978 was based on an official policy known as “peaceful rise. Japan’s earlier economic ascent occurred under a pacifist, postwar constitution.
However, a shadow now hangs over the region. Tensions are rising between China and its neighbours. In recent months, China and Japan have indulged in military shadowboxing over some disputed islands in the East China Sea. Several other Asian nations are also worried that Beijing is taking a tougher line over its territorial claims in disputed maritime waters.
In recent years, east Asians have done well to ensure that difficult political relations do not interfere with flourishing business ties.
This time, however, there are signs that events could run out of control. Anti-Japanese riots in China resulted in the trashing of a Japanese-owned shopping mall. Many Japanese companies are said to be reconsidering investment in Chinese mainland. There is also a genuine risk that military tensions could escalate. This would have global implications, since the US has made it clear that the disputed islands are covered by the US-Japan Security Treaty.
然而,有迹象显示,这一次情况可能失控。中国的反日骚乱导致一家日资购物中心被砸。许多日本公司据说都在重新考虑对中国大陆的投资。军事摩擦升级的风险也真实存在。这对全球都有影响,因为美国已明确表示,争议岛屿适用《日美安保条例》(US-Japan Security Treaty)。
All of the major Pacific powers need to do their bit to head off the danger. The biggest responsibility lies with China. There is a palpable nervousness in the region that the Communist party – under the new leader Xi Jinping – may now embrace a more assertive nationalism. It is, however, hugely in China’s interests for Mr Xi to remain wedded to the concept of “peaceful rise.
The new Japanese government led by Shinzo Abe also has its responsibilities. The rhetoric of Mr Abe and some of his nationalist allies has been pointlessly offensive to China – particularly in its refusal to recognise the crimes committed by the Japanese Imperial Army during the second world war. Mr Abe should also avoid heightening tensions in the islands dispute by sending Japanese officials to live on these barren rocks and eschew nationalist gestures.
安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)领导的新一届日本政府也承担着自己的责任。安倍晋三及其一些民族主义盟友的论调,特别是拒绝承认日本皇军在二战中犯下的罪恶,一直只是在毫无意义地激怒中国。安倍晋三也应避免通过派遣官员去那几个光秃秃的石岛上生活,激化岛屿争端的紧张局势,他还应避免祭出一些民族主义做法。
The US, too, has a role to play. The Americans know that many Chinese have interpreted President Barack Obama’s “pivot to Asia as code for an effort to thwart China’s rise. The US denies this – saying that the pivot involves efforts to develop trade and business links that will benefit both nations.
美国也应发挥一些作用。美国人知道,许多中国人将美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)的“战略重心向亚洲转移视为一项旨在抑制中国崛起的政策。对此美国表示否认。美国辩称,战略重心转移是指努力发展有利于双方的经贸联系。
Over the coming year, the US should demonstrate that its rhetoric is for real.
For the past 40 years, peace and prosperity have gone hand-in-hand in east Asia. China’s astonishing transformation since 1978 was based on an official policy known as “peaceful rise. Japan’s earlier economic ascent occurred under a pacifist, postwar constitution.
However, a shadow now hangs over the region. Tensions are rising between China and its neighbours. In recent months, China and Japan have indulged in military shadowboxing over some disputed islands in the East China Sea. Several other Asian nations are also worried that Beijing is taking a tougher line over its territorial claims in disputed maritime waters.
In recent years, east Asians have done well to ensure that difficult political relations do not interfere with flourishing business ties.
This time, however, there are signs that events could run out of control. Anti-Japanese riots in China resulted in the trashing of a Japanese-owned shopping mall. Many Japanese companies are said to be reconsidering investment in Chinese mainland. There is also a genuine risk that military tensions could escalate. This would have global implications, since the US has made it clear that the disputed islands are covered by the US-Japan Security Treaty.
然而,有迹象显示,这一次情况可能失控。中国的反日骚乱导致一家日资购物中心被砸。许多日本公司据说都在重新考虑对中国大陆的投资。军事摩擦升级的风险也真实存在。这对全球都有影响,因为美国已明确表示,争议岛屿适用《日美安保条例》(US-Japan Security Treaty)。
All of the major Pacific powers need to do their bit to head off the danger. The biggest responsibility lies with China. There is a palpable nervousness in the region that the Communist party – under the new leader Xi Jinping – may now embrace a more assertive nationalism. It is, however, hugely in China’s interests for Mr Xi to remain wedded to the concept of “peaceful rise.
The new Japanese government led by Shinzo Abe also has its responsibilities. The rhetoric of Mr Abe and some of his nationalist allies has been pointlessly offensive to China – particularly in its refusal to recognise the crimes committed by the Japanese Imperial Army during the second world war. Mr Abe should also avoid heightening tensions in the islands dispute by sending Japanese officials to live on these barren rocks and eschew nationalist gestures.
安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)领导的新一届日本政府也承担着自己的责任。安倍晋三及其一些民族主义盟友的论调,特别是拒绝承认日本皇军在二战中犯下的罪恶,一直只是在毫无意义地激怒中国。安倍晋三也应避免通过派遣官员去那几个光秃秃的石岛上生活,激化岛屿争端的紧张局势,他还应避免祭出一些民族主义做法。
The US, too, has a role to play. The Americans know that many Chinese have interpreted President Barack Obama’s “pivot to Asia as code for an effort to thwart China’s rise. The US denies this – saying that the pivot involves efforts to develop trade and business links that will benefit both nations.
美国也应发挥一些作用。美国人知道,许多中国人将美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)的“战略重心向亚洲转移视为一项旨在抑制中国崛起的政策。对此美国表示否认。美国辩称,战略重心转移是指努力发展有利于双方的经贸联系。
Over the coming year, the US should demonstrate that its rhetoric is for real.