Section1 旧题 版本号:V08135 S1
1 问这个人的出生日期: 24th Aug. 1979
注意:题干要求one word or a number,答案写成24th Aug. 1979 符合题干要求,这个是一种很特殊的情况;或者写成 24/08/1979
2 Address: Fox
3 why want yearly payment: C saving money
4 6月份有什么事情: B traveling for business
5-10 配对
A 没有兴趣
B 现在有兴趣
C 可能以后有兴趣
Section 2: 5道选择题+ 地图配对题,场景为Australian National Park的相关情况
11.那个家庭什么时候来的:A 1904
12.这个地方什么东西比较有名:C. birds
13.这个地方有什么特别的:A. a limit numbers of...
14.如果支付了extra pay,有什么好处:B. rent out
A. maintain the garden
B. rent out
C. look after regularly
15.a. 2 floors
16-20 地图+配对题 基本都集中在地图的右侧
16.art gallery: E
17 day bar: C
18 restaurant: B
19 hotel: A
20 play area: D
Section 3:本场考试,从这个section开始,语速突然加快
21.relevant information about the history of the :villages
22. planners
24. wood
25.fire places
一个很普遍的现象是,因为这个单词感觉上似乎不是很难,因此有些考生听到答案后,就很纠结于这个词的拼写,挣扎于occupency 还是occupancy? 努力的要把这个单词写对。正在彷徨中,就把下面的题漏过去了。接着,由于正在悲痛30题没听到的时候,心态没调整好,31和32题又漏过去了。这就是人生的悲剧。
Section 4:被普遍反映为很崩溃的一个section,语速快,同时讲座的内容也不熟悉,讲的是一种植物,特性是可以被当作燃料来使用。
31 quality
32 drought
33 erosion
34 corn
35 candles
36 leaves
38 carbon dioxides
39 wildlife
40 global warming。
Passage 1 难度系数:低
文章标题 茶的历史与发展 (旧题2008年11月5日) 文章大意 第一段讲第一段讲了茶叶的起源,似乎是一个皇帝休息的时候,一人给他烧水,然后有个叶子掉进去了,结果皇帝觉得异常好喝,于是就产生了茶叶这东西。讲的是茶叶怎么在亚洲内传播的。我记得提到了是因为印度还是日本的信佛的教徒,是这些佛教徒讲茶叶传播到日本还是亚洲的。 第二段讲茶叶开始在中国流行,并传到日本贵族中。 第三段应该是讲了茶叶在日本的流行,先开始在日本茶叶是很流行的东西,根据茶叶衍生出了一些东西,有艺,茶道什么的。 讲到了怎么传到欧洲的,有个人历尽千辛万苦才取得了和中国交易茶叶的权利,还对茶叶进行了研究(这个unsure)。后来说一个葡萄牙的人写了一些关于茶叶的东西在欧洲,荷兰人讲茶叶带到欧洲,茶叶很贵,很流行,但是有荷兰学者提出质疑说喝茶到底好还是不好,然后影响茶叶销量,法国、英国相继流行,荷兰第一次把茶叶作为餐馆的经营项目之一很受欢迎,然后欧洲流行把milk等DD加到我们可爱的茶中,最后是俄罗斯,王室流行,他们用骆驼从中国运茶叶。 题目类型 Heading Matching 参考答案 Heading: A:茶由中国的一个ruler发现,然后按他的方法用热水冲泡
H:茶传到RUSSIA,里面提到和中国的贸易,不好运输,还提到 camel什么的~
Passage 2 难度系数:低
文章标题 Filtering water水的过滤 题目类型 流程图diagram, MATCHING, T/F/NG 文章大致内容: 一种新方法用什么clay,water,organic materials过滤水在developing countries, 首先是问那个方法滤水的流程题,文中比较容易找答案;有一个问加热多久可到最高温度,此题要注意,应该是half an hour + 30 minutes=1 hour 1 建立过滤器工厂,2 锅的厚度 3 不申请专利希望freely available
Passage 3 难度系数:高
文章标题 Multi-tasking 多重任务处理 题目类型 有选择,matching和Y/N/NG 文章大致内容: 不同researchers 的不同研究, 配对是文章术语对应的含义。
Multi-tasking 多重任务处理
不同researchers 的不同研究, 配对是文章术语对应的含义。
Task 1 组合图(饼+表)
饼图是住在澳大利亚的来自不同国家 移民的比例。
表格是这些国家的人过去住在Cities和Rural areas的比例。(其中中国有99%的人住城市,1%住在rural areas)。
Task 2 政府类
Some people think governments should focus the spending only on public services rather than wasting money on arts . To what extent do you agree or disagree?
本题是老题,与04年6月26日、04年11月27日, 07年9月20日的考题基本一致。这个话题详细的分析请参见 http://t.cn/aKYZlf
Part 1
Do you work or study?
What is your major?
Do you like it?
Why do you choose it?
Is that a popular subject in your country?
What do like most about it?
Do you think your major will make you have more job chances?
Is it important to learn a major you are interested in?
Do you like collecting things?
What do you like collecting?
What did you collect in your childhood? what about now?
What do you think of other peoples collections?
If you could be rich, what would you collect?
Where are you from? / Where is your hometown? / Where do you come from?
What do you like most in your hometown?
What is the weather like in your town?
What changes have taken place in your city in recent years?
Could you describe sth. about your hometown?
Is there sth. which still needs to be developed in your hometown?
What you think should be improved in your hometown?
Do you have CD player or radio?
What was your feeling when you firstly come to your college?
Do you think it is important to be in college?
What is famous in your hometown?
How much you know about hometown?
Is it possible to meet foreigners in your hometown?
What kind of sound do you like?
What kind of sound may remind you your childhood?
What kind of sound you dislike?
Which colour do you like?
What is your favourite colour? Why?
Do different colours have different meanings in your country?
What do different colours stand for?
Which colour do Chinese people like?
Which colour you would like to use if you have to paint your house?
Cell Phone
Do you have your cell phone?
What kind of cell phone you like?
Do you often use cell phone in your daily life?
Do you think cell phone is important?
When did you use cell phone for the first time?
What are the disadvantages of cell phone?
What is the influence of cell phone in modern society?
Is cell phone common in your country?
Do you think it is good if children use cell phone?
Do you like sea?
How often do you go to the seaside?
How do you feel about sea?
Have you been there before?
When was the last time you go to the beach?
Do you want to buy house at seaside?
What can we do at the seaside?
Why some people like staying at seaside?
Do you like seaside town?
Do you like reading?
What kind of books you would like to read in your childhood?
Do you think it is good if young children read books?
Do you like travel?
How about your last travel?
Do you often travel by air?
Do you like it or not?
What do you think of travelling by air?
When do you travel by air?
Have you ever travelled by air?
What is the advantage or disadvantage of travelling by air compared with other transportations?
How do you get news? Through television or newspaper?
What kind of news you like?
What is the benefit of getting news?
Do you like making friends?
Where do young people go to make new friends?
Where do young children make new friends?
Where did people make friends in the past?
Where can you speak to foreigners in your country?
What kind of clothes you like?
Where would you like to buy clothes?
Have you ever bought any clothes that you dont like?
Do you think when you are getting older and older, you will like other clothes?
Do you like go shopping in a shopping mall?
What time do you usually go shopping?
Animal pets
What is your favourite animal?
Why you like this animal?
Do you like keeping a pet ? Why?
Do you keep pet in your home now?
Did you keep pets when you were a child?
Do you like keeping a pet? Why?
Do Chinese people like animals?
How to protect the wild animals?
Is it our responsibility to provide animals with better living and surviving conditions?
Being vet is a good job? Do you agree or disagree? Why?
What pets are popular in your country?
Do you think cloning animals is reasonable?
Using animals for experiments is very common, do you have any suggestion on this?
Do you think animals are worth protecting?
Is there any endangered animal in your country?
How to save them? Why sh
What kind of films do you like to watch?
Watching films in the cinema or at home, which one do you prefer?
Do you love watching films?
How often do you watch films?
Do u prefer to watch alone or with others and why?
What do you like to do on holiday?
If you have a holiday,do you prefer to stay with family or alone?
Do you think holiday is important?
What do you like eating?
Do you often eat in the restaurant?
What did you like to eat when you were a child? What about other children?
Do you still like it?
Do you like to eat outside?
If you have children, will you let them eat ouside?
Do you think we should have fing class?
What is your ideal job in the future?
What kind of food do adults and children prefer?
What food did you like in your childhood? What about now?
What is the difference between food in the past and now?
Do you cook?
Who cooks in your family?
If not, will you cook in the future?
Will you learn to cook more dishes?
Do you think it is important for children learning cooking?
Did you learn cooking when you were a child?
Part 2 3
P2 describe a close friend / a friend you have known for long time
P3 Is it easy to make friends?
What is the most important thing when you make friends?
Do people make friends with younger or older people?
How can they narrow the generation gap?
How to keep their friendship?
What you may get from a long friendship?
Do you have friends with totally different personalities?
How can you meet your friend?
How do computer and mobile phone affect friendship?
P2 Describe an activity outside or in the open air
P3 Do you think outside acidities are good?
What about the inside ones?
How often do young people take sports? What about old people?
What outside activity young people like? What about old people?
How do the working people relax?
What kind of people work outside?
What is the difference between work outside and work inside?
What is the difference between young and old peoples outdoor activities?